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First Presbyterian Church
Including an Introductory Sketch op Victor and its Early
History and an Appendix with Rolls op Ministers,
Officers and Church Members; some Important
Documents ; a Roll of the Sabbath School
in 1888; the Statute and Church
Laws Governing this
Trie Pastor.
July 2, 1888.
I am indebted to the folloiving sources for much of the
historical matter in these sketches.
Turner s Phelps and Gorham Purchase.
Rev. fames H. HotcJikin s History of the purchase and
settlement of Western New York and the Rise, Progress and
present state of the Presbyterian CJntrch in that section.
Documentary History.
IV. H. Mcintosh's History of Ontario County.
Records of t lie Presbyterian Church of Victor, from 1788
to the present time.
" Half Century of the Presbytery of Ontario. "
" Half Century of the Presbytery of Rochester. "
So far as practicable I have aimed to compile from estab-
lished records and history as thereby enhancing the Jiistorical
value oj these sketches. Everything is carefully substantiated
from the various sources of vif or mat ion.
Victor and the Senecas,
The Town of Victor, Formation
Church Organization, Victor,
Organization of the Presbyterian church
at Victor,
Church Erection,
Presbyterial Connections,
General Outline of church Records includ
mg sketches of
eral Pastors, -
' -
Documents connected with the early history of the church, - 67
Roll of Pastors, and Rolls of Deacons, Elders, Trustees, and
the present officers, ------ 79
Roll of Members from the organization of the church in 1799 - 88
Sabbath School roll, 1888, ------ 10."»
Civil and church law, - - - - - - - 110
Ecclesiastical Councils and Pulpit supplies - . - 121
J. A. Gillies, Print, 73 East Main Street,
DeNonville's Encounter with the Red Men,
Two Hundred Years Ago.
VICTOR was originally in the possession of the Seneca
Indians, a branch of the war-like Iroquois. The prin-
cipal village was on what is now called Boughton Hill, and
largely on the farms owned by Robert Bruce Moore and
Baldwin Green. DeNonville, the French General, calls this
village Ga-os-saeh-gwa. It was "the famous Babylon of the
Tsonnon-tousans, (Senecas) * * * situated at the top of
a mountain of earth, to which one rises by three terraces
or hills."
It is claimed that Father Chaumonot, a Jesuit Father,
from a missionary station at St. Marie, on the river Severn,
near lake Huron, was the first white man who visited this
village of the Senecas, and that his visit occured in the
fall of 1656 It is known that as early as 1640, he and
Father Brebeauf were at Niagara beginning such missionary
work. It is also claimed that in November of 1668 the
Senecas sent to Montreal, requesting the Jesuits there
to send them missionaries, and that in compliance with this
request, Father Gamier established a mission on Boughton
Hill, called St. James. There is also evidence that LaSalle,
that distinguished and indomitable young French adven-
turer and founder of Frontenac (now Kingston), visited this
village of the Senecas as early as August or September of
[i 169.
At Victor is also located the battle ground of DeNon-
ville with the Senecas. (For the authentic account of
the battle see Turner's " DeNonviile's invasion of the
Genesee Country, page 465, Phelps Purchase.") Landing
his forces at Irondequoit Bay, July 10th, 1687, he followed
the old Indian trail, leading from that point to the foot of
Canandaigua Lake, until he came to the hill back of Victor,
the plateau now owned by the Dryers, and where the old
church stood. There are those who claim that the ambus-
cade was further west than this, nearer where the pres-
ent Pittsford road enters the village. But this does not
satisfy the conditions of the authentic accounts. The Pitts-
ford road at that point is made from the side hill, and the
gully originally there, was hardly more than a ditch, and
not on the Canandaigua Lake trail, which went back of the
Ladd house and across the Dryer farm. While the gully
near Wm. C. Dryer's is wanting, in that there was no stream
running through it. The Chief Brant pointed out this defect
in the map. The trail DeNonville is described as follow-
ing, after crossing the Dryer plateau, lead east back of the pres-
ent stores, to the Smith Jones spring that now supplies most
of the village with water, thence to the three forks, and
from there towards Sidell's to the spring about a mile
east of Boughton Hill, and on the foot of the Lake.
Coming down on this trail from the north to the brook run-
ning under Main street near Mr. Heath's drug store, a trail
would naturally branch off from the main one to Boughton
Hill. With this view agrees the account of the French
Jesuit priest present at the battle. His name is L'Abbe de
Belmont. In the course of his description he says, " the
village is upon a high hill which is surrounded by three
little hills or terraces at the foot of a valley, and opposite
some other hills, between which passes a large brook, which
in a little valley makes a little marsh covered with alders.
This is the place which they selected for their ambuscade.
They divided themselves, posted 300 men along the fall-
ing brook between the two hills in a great thicket of beech
trees." Standing on the Dryer plateau back of Mr. Truman
Dryer's house, this is the very scene before you. Beyond,
across the valley, is Boughton hill, answering to the high
hill surrounded by three terraces. In the valley below is
the brook running eastward through theCovill marsh lands,
and beyond toward the south-east, on the Covill farm, what
is left of the beech thicket described, and which then covered
the ground about the brook running across Main Street.
It should be remembered that at the tjme of the fight the
slopes from above into the valley were steep and heavily
wooded and that the swamp [below was a sort of jungle.
The "height of the hill" occupied by DeNonville and to
which the fleeing advance guard were driven, can be no
other than the Dryer plateau. There raged the last of the
conflict, until the beating of the drums and rallying of the
French " frightened the 300 Tsonnontousans of the ambus-
cade, who fled from above to the 500 that were ambushed
below." Upon this plateau have been found relics of the
To this plateau, following the Indian trail, came the
advanced guard of DeNonviile's army, and defiled into
the little valley, and along the brook, back of the Corn-
ford Foundry. When .they had passed by the beeches,
and came upon the brook running through the valley they
were startled and thrown into confusion by the " terrible
whoop" and "volley" from the Senecas concealed in the
thicket on the bank of the falling brook, down which
the advance had passed. Part fled back at once, the others
fired two volleys and then made a precipitate retreat, followed
closely by the Senecas. Up over the present business part
of the village the battle raged until the heights above were
gained ; here DeNonville and the main body were met
hastening to the scene of carnage. Here the Senecas made
one last desperate assault. DeNonville ordered the drums
to beat. The Senecas, startled by the sound, gave
way and fled to the 500 below. Thus ended this mem-
orable fight. Here the French priest continues his narra-
tive as follows : "A council was held. It was resolved, as
it was late, to sleep on the field of battle for camp." (On
the Dryer plateau, the last scene of the engagement.) "On
the morrow we marched in battle order, waiting for an
attack. We descended the hill by a little sloping valley or
gorge, through which ran a brook bordered wit lit hick bushes"
(an exact description of that back of Cornford's Foundry)
and which discharges itself at the foot of a hill, in a marsh
full of deep mud," (that back of the Lewis place) "but
planted with alders so thick that one could scarcely see.
There it was that they had stationed their two ambuscades
and where, -perhaps we would have been defeated, if they
had not mistaken our advance guards for the whole army
and been so hasty in firing.
Encamped above, and in the morning drawn up in
battle array, with his left resting on the edge of the little
sloping valley. DeNonville would not have marched his
army by right flank, across the ravines to the present Pittsford
road, when by a left flank movement he could far better defile,
as he did, down through the little sloping valley back of the
Foundry. I have carefully examined the high ground north
of the village, both eastward and westward, and the little
sloping valley back of the Foundry is the only one that
answers to the French Priest's description, or from the
natural conformation of the ground, could have answered
to it, before the present Pittsford road was made. A careful
examination will show that the latter point cannot well be
mistaken for the French Priest's little sloping valley back
of the furnace. An historian speaks of the descent to the
valley being "near the Pittsford road." It was near it but
net at or through it. The vallev back of the furnace
approaches it on the northwest, and formerly the Pittsford
road entered the village near Gallup's store. DeNonville
had with him about 800 Indians, four batallions of regulars
and four of militia, while the Senecas had 300 in ambush
west of the falling brook, running through the village, and
500 in ambush over towards the railroad.
The Presbyterian Church in Victor the Fifth
Oldest Church Organization in
Western New York.
THAT part of New York State lying west of a meridian
drawn through Seneca Lake, and formerly known as
the Genesee Country, "(Pleasant Valley)" was, when settled
a part of Massachusetts, and inhabited by the Seneca Indians,
a branch of the " Five Nations," afterwards known as the
"Six Nations" when joined by the Tuscororas from North
Soon after the war of the Revolution, and on October
22, 1784, the United States concluded a treaty of perpetual
peace and amity with the Six Nations. This opened the
way to the settlement of Western New York.
"The Genesee Country," west of Seneca Lake, and
comprising about six million acres, was in 1787 contracted
to Oliver Phelps and Nathaniel Gorham for $100,000. Mr.
Phelps was a native of Connecticut, but both he and Mr.
Gorham were at the time of the purchase residents of Mass-
achusetts. This accounts for the New England complexion
given to the early settlements of this part of the state, both
religiously and otherwise. These two gentlemen bought
of Massachusetts the pre-emptive right to this territory of
1 1
Western New York. — That is, the right or privilege of se-
lection and purchase before all others. Having secured
this right they proceeded at once to extinguish, by pur-
chase from the Indians, their title to the same. This was
accomplished as far as the Genesee River, July 8, 1788, when
Messers. Phelps and Gorham bought and paid for more than
two million acres of land, embracing the territory between
Seneca Lake and the Genesee river on the east and west and
the State of Pennsylvania and Lake Ontario on the south
and north. The Legislature of Massachusetts confirmed to
them this purchase on November 21, 1788. These owners
then surveyed this tract, dividing it into "'ranges" by lines'
running north and south and six miles apart. These
"ranges" were numbered from east to west. (Victor lies in
the fourth range.)
These " ranges" were then sub-divided into townships
by lines running east and west and six miles apart, making
a township to consist of six miles square, and numbered from
south to north. (Victor is the 11th township in the 4th
The townships were then divided into farms or lots of
160 acres each, and in this form sold.
Formerly, Ontario County was co-extensive with " the
Genesee country," but was subsequently restricted to its
present limits. The town of Victor was formerly a part of
Bloomfield, and was setoff therefrom in 181 2, and organized
April 6, 181 3, in the " Presbyterian Meeting-house" which
at that time stood on the hill back of Mr. Gallup's store.
Most of the early settlers came from New England ;
from Massachusetts and Connecticut.
In 1788 Peter Shaffer settled at Scottsville. At that
time only four or five white families lived on the road be-
tween Scottsville and Utica.
Enos and Jared Boughton were the first settlers in the
town of Victor, Jared Boughton, a native of Connecticut,
was born in February [9, 1766. Subsequently the change
of a disputed State boundary line brought the place of his
birth within New York State.
In 1787 he married Olive Stone, of Stockbridge, Mass,
and moved his residence there. Jared and Enos Boughton
visited Victor as early as the spring of 1788, and having se-
lected the 11th township in the 4th range as a desirable lo-
cation, purchased it that fall, of Messrs. Phelps and Gorham,
for twenty cents per acre. The purchase was made in
behalf of their father Hezekiah and was intended for a
family posession.
In the Spring of 1789, Enos, Jared and Hezekiah, Jr.
three brothers, together with their uncle Levi Boughton
and Jacob Lobdell, returned to Victor, and during the sum-
mer built a log cabin, and sowed some wheat and buckwheat.
As they had brought some fourteen head of cattle with
them, it was necessary to leave some one in charge. This
duty devolved upon Jacob Lobdell, a young man abcut
eighteen years old. Lobdell boarded during the winter
with Elijah Rose, who lived three miles away in the town
of Bloomfield. The others of the party returned East,
February 19, 1790, Jared Boughton, and his wife, and
a two-year-old son Selleck, and infant daughter Melania, six
months old, accompanied by Jared's youngest brother Sey-
mour Boughton, left Stockbridge for their new Western
home, where they arrived March 7, 1790, after a journey
fraught with unusual hardships and dangers.
Subsequently, in October, 1790, Jared's father arrived
with his family and the families of his married sons. 'Hez-
ekiah Jr., died on his way from the East, but his family con-
tinued their journey to the end Col. Claudius Victor
Boughton. a son of Hezekiah Jr., gave to Victor its name.
The town voted this as a reward for " gallant services upon
the Niagara frontier" in the war of 1812, to "which the
Legislature of New York added the presentation of a sword. "
Among the sons of Jared Boughton were Selleck, an attor-
ney in Rochester ; Frederick, of Pittsford ; (the first white
child born in Victor, born June I, 1791), Jared H., of Victor;
Enos, of East Bloomfield ; Mrs. Dr. A. G. Smith, of New
York : Mrs. Bennett Lewis, of Green County, Ohio, and
Mrs. Mortimer Buel, of Geneseo.
In July, 1790, an official census, taken by General Amos
Hall, showed four families and twenty persons in the town
of Victor.
I have thus particularly mentioned the family of Jared
Boughton, because they were in fact the first settlers of the
town, and identified with all its interests and early growth.
Jared Boughton was a member of the first board of trustees
of the Presbyterian church at its incorporation September
13, 1798. In fact all the early settlers, at all religiously
inclined, were identified with this church organization. It
was the only religious organization in the community for
a number of years, and the fifth oldest church organization
in Western New York.
It is not the intention to go over ground so well
written up in the past, as the above ; but merely to introduce
the history of a church that began with and has grown up
as a part of the settlement of the town of Victor and so
largely determined its religious character. This church is
one of the old land-marks in the history of Western New
York, and its integrity, stability and history should be
maintained as the heritage of Christian forefathers who gave
to Victor its early existence, and established its leading
religious influence.
IT has been seen that the early settlers of Victor were
largely from Massachusetts and Connecticut, or near
their borders in Eastern New York State.
The scattered character of these early settlements re-
tarded somewhat the organization of religious societies, and
when such were organized, determined them, largely, as
Congregational or Presbyterian.
The following from the history by Rev. James H.
Hotchkin who was preaching in West Bloomneld as early as
1801, is quoted in substantiation of the above statement,
(see p. 27.) " For some years after the settlement of the
country commenced, no minister of the gospel, of the
Presbyterian or Congregational denominations resided
within its boundaries, nor was any church of these denomi-
nations organized. Whether any ministers or churches of
other denominations were in existence on this field is not
known to the writer."
Undoubtedly if there were any such, Mr. Hotchkin,
himself on the field as early as 1801, would have known it.
In 1765 Rev. Samuel Kirkland, a Congregational min-
ister, was at Victor, as a missionary among the Senecas.
In 1795, Rev. Zadoc Hunn, of Berkshire County, Mass.,
located on a farm in Canandaigua, adjoining the present
town of Bristol. He was the first resident minister, and
assisted in the organinization of the East Bloomfield Con-
gregational church, November 5, 1796. After Mr. Hunn
came Rev. John Rolph from Massachusetts and was in-
stalled pastor of the South Bristol Congregational church,
January, 1797, (organized December 1796.) This church has
since become extinct. Of this occasion Mr. Hotchkin
remarks, "the ministers who composed this council"
(convened to install Mr. Rolph) " were Rev. Zadoc Hunn,
Rev, Eliphalet Steel, of Paris, Oneida County, and Rev. Dr.
Asahel S. Norton, of Clinton. Oneida County. "...
"■ These were the nearest ministers to be obtained." .
" This undoubtely, was the first ecclesiastical council ever
convened in the State of New York, west of the east line
of the Military Tract."
The third minister to settle was the Rev. Reuben Par-
mele, who organized the Victor church September 13, 1798,
and was installed its pastor February 14, 1799. Previous
to this there had been some missionary work dojie at points
in this field by the missionaries of the Congregational and
Presbyterian denominations.
In 1793 Rev. IraCondict "amissionary underthe appoint-
ment of the General Assembly " had organized a Congre-
gational church at Palmyra, but this church had no settled
pastor until after 1800.
In 1795, Rev. Daniel Thatcher, a missionary of the
General Assembly of the Presbyterian church, organized a
church at Elmira which became extinct about 18 10. Also
a Presbyterian church at Charlestown, now Lima; and
another in Geneseo. (" This is the church which now has
its location at the little village of Lakeville, at the foot of
Soon after 1790, under the direction of Rev. John
Smith, of Dighton, Mass., a number of settlers, members in
eastern Churches, are said to have assembled at Canandai-
gua, and there as a church, protempore, to have partaken
of the Lord's Supper. There is no official record of the
occurrence, extant. The Congregational church there was
organized February, 1799. St. Mathew's church, of Can-
andaigua (Episcopal) was organized February 4, 1799, but
became extinct.
It is thus evident that the Victor Presbyterian church
is one of the first and oldest church organizations in that
part of Western New York, known as "the Genesee Country"
and lying west of Seneca Lake. The following table will
show its position in the order of organization :
Palmyra church 1793
Lima church 1795
Geneseo church (Lakeville) — 1 795
East Bloomfield November 5 1 796
Victor church, September 13 1798
The Victor church, organized September 13, 1798, was
the church of the early settlers in Victor. Their religious
predilections were Congregational and Presbyterian, evinced
in the character of the church they established. To this
church they gave their adherence and support, and it was
not until after 1800 that other religious affiliations appeared.
The Methodists were the first to follow the Presbyterians,
and as early as 1805 Rev. Joseph Jewell, a presiding Elder
of the Ontario circuit, (an indefinite territory) was accus-
tomed to visit Victor, but an organization was not effected
until 1807, when a class of seven persons was formed. Re-
ligious services were held for several years in the School
houses in the town, and sometimes in the " Presbyterian
meeting-house" on the hill. It was not until 1820 that the
Methodists began to build a church. I quote the following
from an extract of their church history, found in that of
Ontario County by Prof. Mcintosh : " A determination was
expressed by Mr. Loughborough at the quarterly meeting
held January 22, 1820, in the Presbyterian Meeting house
in Victor, to build a house for worship." This church was
dedicated August 19, 1821.
In 1834 a Universalist Society was formed and. its
church completed its organization December 21, 1844.
St. Patrick's Catholic church was built about 1852, and
is now a flourishing organization.
The Episcopalians began to establish themselves in 1871,
and commenced in 1872 to build their present church, which
was formally opened for service February 6, 1873. Such is
the outline of church organization in Victor.
i^A R. Jabez Moorehouse, one of the early settlers and
7 \ one of the original nine members received at the
constitution of the church, was the first to establish stated
public worship in Victor. Subsequently Rev. Nathaniel
Steele, of East Bloomfield church devoted a part of his time
to this field, but after a brief ministry death terminated his
labors. A few from Victor joined the East Bloomfield
church as fruits of his labor. Then came Rev. Reuben
Parmele. in 1798, and organized the church.
This organization was incorporated as a Congregational
Church September, 13, 1798.
The following is a copy of the Act of Incorporation, as
recorded in the County Clerk's office at Canandaigua :
Bloomfield, Sept. 13, 1798.
This may certify that at a legal meeting of the North Congrega-
tional Society in Bloomfield, convened agreeably to an act entitled, an
act to enable all religious denominations in this State to appoint
Trustees who shall be a body corporate for the purpose of taking care
of the temporalities of their respective congregations and for other
purposes therein mentioned. Jared Boughton, Joseph Brace, Jr., and
Thomas Hawley, were chosen as Trustees for, and as considered under
the style of, Trustees for the North Congregational Society in Bloom-
field, hi the County of Ontario and State of New York. Given under
our hands and seals at the place above mentioned this thirteenth day
Of September. A. I)., 1798.
Joseph Brace, Joshua Ketchum, [l. s.]
Jacob Lobdell, Seymour Boughton, [l. s.]
Returning Officers.
Ontario Co.— ss.: Be it remembered, that on the 15th day of
September, in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight,
personally came before me, Moses Atwater, one of the Judges in and
for said County, Joseph Brace, who, being duly sworn, declared he saw
Joshua Ketchum and Seymour Boughton sign, seal and deliver the
within instrument for the uses and purposes therein expressed. I do
permit the same to be recorded as such.
I certify the foregoing to be a true copy of the original certificate
•examined and compared with the same and recorded the loth of
September, 1798. PETER B. PORTER, Clerk.
State of New York— Ontario County Clerk's Office, Canandaigua,
N. Y.— I, William G. Dove, Clerk of the County of Ontario, of the
County Court of said County, and of the Supreme Court, both being
courts of Record, having a common seal, do hereby certify that I
have compared the annexed copy of a certificate of incorporation
with the original, recorded in this office in Liber A, page 55, and that
the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of said
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the
seal of said county and courts, this 14th day of February, 1882.
W. G. DOVE, Clerk,
The work of incorporation was under the immediate
supervision of Mr. Parmele. Having completed the organ-
ization and recorded the act of incorporation, he accepted
the invitation to become its pastor; returned east for his
family; and arrived with them early in 1799. The consti-
tution of the spiritual part of the church was deferred until
his return from the east, probably in order that he might
secure the letters of the persons who were to form the nucleus
of this part of the organization. The manner of constituting
the spiritual church, as then in vogue, and which was probably
followed by Mr. Parmele, was for those proposing to associate
themselves together as a church of Christ, on a day appointed
to assemble, being moderated by a minister.
Each gave proof of his Christian hope and character,
those having their letters producing them as evidence of
their good standing. If satisfied with one another's qualifi-
cations, and the minister's endorsement of the same, they
then standing, gave their assent to a summary of Christian
doctrine, after which a form of covenant was read by the
minister, and to which they all gave their assent, whereupon
they were announced a church of Christ. A record of such
proceedings was generally made. (See History by Rev. J.
H. Hotchkin.)
Rev. Reuben Parmele having returned with his family,
assembled nine persons, as above, five of whom were males
and four females. They were Jabez Moorehouse and wife,
Elisha Perkins, Mehitable Perkins (his wife), Abijah
Williams, Mrs. Hawley, Jemima Brace, Samuel Boughton
Dr. Reuben Hart.
These persons adopted and subscribed to certain articles
of faith and a covenant, which defined the doctrinal standing
and religious character of the church, and the relations to it
of all its members.
The doctrinal points involved are those held by the
Orthodox Congregational and Presbyterian churches.
On February 13, 1779, an ecclesiastical council was
convened to install Mr. Parmele. It consisted of Rev.
Zadoc Hunn ; Rev. Seth Williston, who was on the field
engaged in bringing about what is known as the " Great
Revival " of 1799, and which swept Ontario County with its
religious influence; also Rev. Mr. Rolph, of South "Bristol,
and delegates Ehud Hopkins from East Bloomfield Congre-
gational Church, and Aaron Rice from South Bristol
Church. (Rev. Mr. Hotchkin also mentions Rev. Jedediah
Bushnell, but the records do not show this).
The council examined and approved the call of the
church for Mr. Parmele's services, and the articles of faith
and form of covenant previously adopted.
It then proceeded to the installation, which took place
the following day, February 14th.
Rev. Zadoc Hunn made the opening prayer and gave
the charge; Rev. John Rolph preached the sermon ; Rev.
Seth Williston (afterward Dr. Williston, of Durham, Green
County, N. Y.) gave the right hand of fellowship and made
the concluding prayer.
Mr. Parmele, when he eame to Victor, "was a man in
middle life." He had previously been settled in Hinesburgh,.
Vermont, but at the time of his removal to Victor, was
from Connecticut, and a Congregational minister. He
graduated from Yale College in 178 1. So far as the writer
can ascertain, Mr. Parmele's was the second installation in
this region.
The Lord's supper was administered for the first time
by this church, on April 7, 1799, on which occasion Mr. Asa
Hickox, Jr., (Heacock) and Polly Hickox (probably his
wife) were received into the communion of the church.
Mr. Joseph Brace, previously admitted, was the first to join
the church after its organization.
The early meetings of the church were held in the
houses of the leading members, and in barns when the
houses were too small to accommodate the audience, and
it is probable that when the weather permitted services
were held in the open air, and under the protection of the
woods near by. It was not until after 1800 that the society
began to build a church.
EARLY in 1800, the church known as the ''North
Congregational Society in Bloomfield" began to agitate
thequestionof buildingahouseof worship. As early as 1804,
a subscription paper was circulated in the society and
undoubtedly there were those who, although not members
of the society, were willing to contribute toward this the
first church in this part of the town. West Bloomfield had
already begun to build, having erected a frame about 1800.
Both of these buildings were erected by the Congregational
societies to which they respectively belonged. There was
not even the shadow of another church organization in the
town to assist in such building, or to lay claim to any
interest in it after built.
The subscription paper of 1804 was of the nature of an
assessment or tax roll. Each "pater-familias" in the
society, or in case of his decease, the representative of the
family, was taxed, according to his wealth and age, his
proportion of the whole amount to be raised, and by his
connection with the society he felt that he stood committed
to pay his proportion, whatever it might be. His relation
to the society being of his own volition, there was no
compulsion from which he could not withdraw. An
illustration of this system of assessment and tax is furnished
in the assessment or tax roll found in Appendix (A.) This
tax was levied to make a final payment on this very church
All the current expenses were met by such a tax ; and
all expenses of building or otherwise. This is the same
custom that prevailed in the East Bloomfield Church, to
which this church was closely related. (See Dr. Kendall's
sermon, 1851.)
The building was erected in 1805-6, on the hill back of
the Gallup store, and was known as the u Meeting House in
the North Congregational Society in Bloomfield," subse-
quently as the " Presbyterian Meeting-House." The pews
were owned by members of the society, and when pew-
holders moved out of town they often sold their pews to
other parties who wished to become members of the society.
It is asserted that the neglect on the part of the Trustees to
properly guard such sales, and some disaffection on the part
of a few in the church about the year 1830, led to conflicting
claims as to the rights in the use of the church, and that
under the impulse of such contentions, the old church being
dilapidated, and the Congregationalists abundantly able to
build, a new church was erected and dedicated in 1833.
After the Congregationalists had moved into their new
church, the Universalists formed a society and occupied the
old house on the hill. Thomas Hawley gave the land upon
which the first church stood. There is no record, extant,
to show that he executed a deed at the time of the gift; but
as late as 1818, a deed was drawn conveying said land to the
proprietors or pew-holders in the society. This deed was
recorded in 1825, but not until other names, apparently
more recent purchasers of pews, lately moved in, had been
added after the execution of the deed. Abijah Williams was
the bcss carpenter and was a member of the church from
its organization and a deacon in the church from July 10,
1812, until his death, March — , 1840. In 1831, Nathan
Jenks deeded to the Congregational society the land on
which its present church stands This church was dedicated
Thursday, January 24, 1833, at 11 o'clock in the morning.
There were present at the service, Rev. Daniel Johnson
and Rev, Reuben Parmele, of Victor ; Rev. Silas C. Brown,
of West Bloomfield ; Rev. Asa Johnson, of Richmond ;
Rev. Gilbert Morgan, of Rochester , Delegates — Jonathan
Smith, East Bloomfield ; Gardner, West Bloomfield ;
Jas.Templeton, of East Mendon ; James Wells, of Richmond;
also, Rev. Richard Kay, who was installed by the above
named council at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day.
The new church was 40x50 feet, with a gallery and
spire, and far in advance of anything in the town for its
day, and cost about $3,500. It was altered and repaired in
1^44. "In i860 an addition was made to the rear; a new
spire was built ; a bell, weighing 1,700 pounds and costing
$500, was hung in the new spire. Mr. Samuel W. Osborne
was appointed a committee with power to select and
purchase the bell. He finally found one to suit him at
Troy. Mr. Osborne is a man of good judgment; a fine
musical ear; and orthodox, as well. It was well for the
church that he was chosen ; he meant that there should be
no heterodox twang to this bell ; and its ring to-day is the
clear, strong tone, with its silver sweetness, symbol of that
pure doctrine and divine truth which have proverbially
emanated from its pulpit. There is no uncertain sound to
this bell. In i860 the town clock was placed in the
Presbyterian church.
In 1868 the society built a parsonage costing about
$5,000, and in 1870 made additional improvements in the
church, including a place for the organ, at a cost of several
thousand dollars. Col. Melancthon Lewis gave the organ,
which cost about $2,000.
In 1884 the interior of the church was greatly improved,
the woodwork grained black-walnut; the seats recushioned
and the floors newly carpeted
In 1887 the parlors in the church basement were
separated by glass partitions, the ceilings and wall calcimined,
the large room relighted, and the furniture largely replaced
with chairs. There were also some important improvements
made in the parsonage, and the fence was removed from the
front and west sides and the grounds about the church
graveled and graded and drained. It is at present a fine
church property, with a very pleasant audience room, and
a highly intelligent congregation, with enough of wealth,
certainly, to prevent all friction from financial embarrassment.
In 1887 Mrs. Carrie E. Sale, a widow, and an earnest
Christian woman, devoted to her church, died, and out of
her small patrimony, left the church a fund of $1,000.
As an organization, this church was connected with
the "Ontario Association" until that body was merged into
the Presbytery of Geneva. This leads to a consideration
of Presbyterial connection.
T the commencement of the year 1799, Rev. Zadock
Hunn, at North Bristol; Rev. John Rolph, at South
Bristol: and Rev. Reuben Parmele, just arrived at Victor
were the ministers resident in the Genesee country. Subse
quently came Rev. Timothy Field, who was ordained and
installed at Canandaigua February, 1800. Rev. Joseph
Grover arrived during 1799, as a missionary from a society
in New Jersey, and June 11, 1800, was installed at North
These five resident ministers met at Bristol, March
18, 1800, and formed themselves into an association known
as "The Association of Ontario," the first of the kind
in New York State. This association was modelled
after the Morris County Associated Presbytery of New
Jersey. Each church was invited to send a delegate, who
should have an equal standing with the ministers. They
held semi-annual meetings, and at each such stated meeting
elected a moderator and clerk. At its second meeting,.
Rev. Eleazer Fairbanks joined the association. In 1803,
Rev. James H. Hotchkin, of West Bloomfield and Rev.
Abijah Warren, the successor of Mr. Rolph at South Bristol,,
united with the association. In 1^04 the following churches-
were connected with the association: Lima, East Bloomfield,.
West Bloomfield, Victor, Canandaigua, North Bristol, South
Bristol, Naples, Richmond, Rushville.
The Presbytery of Geneva was formed from theOneida
Presbytery by the General Assembly of 1805, and included
all that part of New York State lying west of Oneida and
Chenango counties. The ministers who composed it were
Rev. Jedediah Chapman, of Geneva, Rev. John Lindsley, of
Covert, Rev. Samuel Leacock, of Hopewell, and Rev. Jabez.
Chadwick, of Genoa. The churches connected with the
Presbytery, at the time of its organization, were Covert,
Geneva, Lakeville, Trumansburgh, Ithaca, Ovid, Seneca
Falls and Hopewell. The first meeting of this Presbytery
was held at Geneva, September 17, 1805. At this meeting
it was decided that "Presbytery can consistently receive as-
a constituent member of their body a minister belonging to
an association, without his discontinuing his connection
with the association. " In conformity with this decision Rev.
David Higgins and Rev. Hezekiah North Woodruff, members
of the "Middle Association," were received as members of
the Presbytery. These records of Presbytery, upon review by
Synod, being approved, the principle involved was regarded
as established, and cemented the fellowship already existing
between Presbyterians and Congregationalists, and ultimately
resulted in the abolishing of the associations, and their
absorption by the Presbyteries, thus giving to Western New
York a strong Presbyterian complexion. It was recognized
by both denominations that they occupied essentially the
same doctrinal ground. Believing a more permanent union
would subserve the cause of Christ, the Middle Association,
on October 7, 1807, appointed a commissioner to attend
the meeting of the Synod of Albany, then in session, and
propose a union with that body of the " Middle Association."
Such union was subsequently effected and sanctioned by
the General Assembly May, 1808. Thus the Middle
Association became merged in the Synod of Albany.
In October, 18 10, the Presbytery of Geneva was
divided, all the ministers and churches west of Cayuga Lake
remaining in the Presbytery of Geneva; while the rest of
the territory formerly occupied by the Geneva Presbytery
was divided into two Presbyteries, known respectively as
the Presbytery of Cayuga, and the Presbytery of Onondaga.
The General Assembly, in May, 1811, constituted these
three Presbyteries into the Synod of Geneva, which first
met at Geneva, October, 1 8 1 1. In this new Synod prevailed
the same principle and practice concerning Congregational
associations and churches that had been established by the
Albany Synod; in fact the Congregational churches were
Presbyterian in all respects, with the exception "that their
sessions were composed of all the male members of the
church of suitable age, instead of a bench of eiders chosen for
the purpose of Government" and representing the people.
May 5, 1813, the "Ontario Association," the oldest of
the kind in the State, dissolved itself, and became merged
in the Presbytery of Geneva, declaring that "in the view
of this association there is no reason why those denomi-
nations of professingChristians, usually called Presbyterians
and Congregationalists, should not receive each other as
brethern, and be united as one body in the strictest sense."'
It was therefore resolved to dissolve the association, that
its ministers and churches might unite with the Geneva
Presbytery. Mr. Reuben Parmele became a member of
this Presbytery. There is, however, nothing to show that
the Victor church became officialy connected with the
Geneva Presbytery as thus constituted. It evidently did not.
February 19, 1817, the Synod, in Session at Geneva
divided the Geneva Presbytery into four Presbyteries.
Ontario Presbytery was formed at this time, it embraced
the ministers and churches between the eastern boundary
line of the "Holland Purchase" and the dividing line
between the third and forth ranges of townships in the
Phelps and Gorham Purchase in the County of Ontario.
(From the dividing line between Farmington and Victor,
to near the eastern boundary of Genesee County.) From
this Presbytery was set off in 1819 the Presbytery of
Rochester, which also drew from the Niagara Presbytery.
At this time Ontario Presbytery, greatly reduced, consisted
of 12 ministers, 9 churches, and one licentiate. While the
Synod of Geneva to which it belonged, contained 93
ministers, 145 churches and 8 licentiates; showing the
marvelous growth in population, churches and ministers,
and the deplorable deficiency of ministers to occupy this
growing field.
The General Assembly of 1821, set off from the Synod
of Geneva, the Synod of Genesee, embracing the Presbyteries
of Niagara, Genesee, Rochester, and Ontario; which held
its first meeting at Rochester, September 18, 1821, and was
opened with a sermon by Rev. Ebenezer Fitch, D. D. At
the time, the Synod numbered 39 ministers, 4 licentiates
and 71 churches.
February 8, 1827, the Victor Church voted to adopt
t^he Presbyterian form of Goverment. March 21st Elders
were duly elected, aud on the 25th of the same month
ordained. January 16, 1828, at its meeting in Geneseo, the
Presbytery of Ontario received the Victor church as a
member of its body. Against this course of the majority of
the Victor church the minority protested.
September 20, 1832, a compromise was effected between
the two factions by which it was agreed that it should be an
independent congregational church, not under the jurisdiction
of Presbytery, but submitting its records to that body
. annually as a court of review and arbitration, and that in
cases ot appeal by an aggrieved party to Presbytery, the
adjudication of the case by that body should be final.
March 8, 1858. the church again adopted the Presbyter-
ian form of goverment and became entitled the " First
Presbyterian church of Victor," and united with the Rochester
Presbytery at its meeting in Rochester, April 6th and 7th
•of the same year.
In 1 87 1 the Victor church was transferred to the
Presbytery of Geneva, but in 1874 applied to be restored to
the Rochester Presbytery, and was so restored. It has since
retained this connection.
Including Sketches of the Several Pastors,
as far as could be obtained.
IT has been stated that on April 7, 1799 the Lord's Supper
was celebrated for the first time after the organization
of the church. May 24th of the same year it was deter-
mined to celebrate the Lord's Supper regularly, once in two
months, and on the first Sabbath in the month, which custom
is still in vogue.
At the installation of Rev. Reuben Parmele, certain
articles of Faith and a covenant, were drawn up and adopted
by the church. These articles were Calvanistic, and simi-
lar to those held by the Congregational churches generally.
The essential doctrines of the church have never changed,
but now in place of any set of articles peculiar to the in-
dividual church, this church stands doctrinally upon the
standards of the Presbyterian church, together with a cor-
responding confession and covenant, adopted October 3,
In its early history, its discipline was governed by
variable rules peculiar to this individual church. Now its
discipline is according to the Book of Discipline of the
Presbyterian church.
Isaac Root, the first deacon in the church, was elected
May 31 1804, and ceased to act, March 14, 18 16.
January 2, 1806 the pastoral relation between Mr.
Parmele and the church was dissolved, but he appears to
have supplied the pulpit until 1812, when his successor was
chosen. During this time the lead in meetings for public
worship, devolved upon a committee consisting of Samuel
Boughton, Joseph Rowley, Abijah Williams, and Ira Sey-
mour. The Council convened to dissolve the pastoral
relation consisted of ministers — Joseph Grover, Aaron C.
Collins, and James W. Hotchkin. and delegates, Deacon
Goodwin, and Messrs. Eben Norton, and Daniel Canfield.
The cause assigned for the dissolution was, a mutual
agreement between pastor and people.
The Council endorsed Mr. Parmele as a minister of the
Gospel of good moral and Christian character, and deserving
the support of the churches.
Mr. Parmele was elected moderator and clerk of the
church, and continued to live in Victor until about 1836.
when he went to live with one of his children in the West,
He died at the home of his son, Rev. Abiel Parmele, at
Almond, Allegany County, N. Y., about 84 years old. He
was one of the five ministers and seven ruling elders, -who
on the second Tuesday in March 18 17, met at Livonia and
constituted the Presbytery of Ontario, (see Chapter IV ) and
also in 1800 "The Association of Ontario," ( see Chapter VI.)
April 6, 18 1 2, the church called Rev. Philander Parmele.
A council was convened for his ordination and installation,
on May 5, 1812,
There were present at the Council, Ministers Reuben
Parmele, Aaron C. Collins, Oliver Ayei, Abiel Jones, Ezekiel
T. Chapman, Silas Hubbard, and John Bliss; and delegates
Noah Ashley, Josiah Owen, Samuel Blakesley, and Samuel
Stone. The following day, May 6th, at 10 a. m. the people
assembled in the "meeting house," "and in the presence of
the church and congregation, and a respectable Assembly,
solemnly consecrated Mr. Parmele to the Sacred office of a
minister of Christ in Bloomfield."
Rev. Oliver Ayer, offered the introductory prayer.
Rev. Ezekiel T. Chapman, preached the Sermon from Acts
Rev. Aaron C. Collins, offered the ordaining prayer.
Rev. Reuben Parmele, gave the charge.
Rev. John F. Bliss, the right hand of fellowship.
Rev. Silas Hubbard, offered the concluding prayer.
I have been able to obtain only the following concerning
the life of this the second pastor of the Victor church.
"Philander Parmele son of Josiah Parmele, born in
North Killingworth Conn. 1783, graduated at Yale 1809,
ordained pastor of church in Victor N. Y. May 5, 1812, dis-
missed December 28, 18 14. Installed pastor of church at
Bolton, Conn. Nov. 8, i8i5,died December27, 1822, age 39.
He was a laborious, earnest and faithful minister." — Spragues
Annals, Am. Pulpit p. 546.
Action taken by the church July 10, 1812, evinces that
it was difficult to induce christians residing in the town
whose membership was in Eastern churches, to take their
letters to this church. The action taken indicates the
importance of the situation, one year's grace was given,
after which they must unite with the Victor church, if they
would enjoy the privileges of its communion table. The
justification for this was undoubtedly, in the evident want
of proper christian integrit}r on the part of such persons:
who, while residing permanently in the town, refused to
put themselves in full connection with the church, and by so
doing, felt free from its proper restraints.
Again April 15 1813' we see the church struggling with
corrupting influences in the church and community,
requiring members of the church to restrain their children
from gambling, dancing or balls. The former a vice at any
time and it is not difficult to see how promiscuous dancing and
balls, like card playing, may be ruinous to the Christian
character and morals of a community. It is the abuse and
corrupting tendency and influence, of things considered
in themselves harmless, that needs most careful guarding.
Another felt need expressed itself at this time, in the
demand that members instruct their children in the
Catechism, and cause them to attend upon the ministrations
of the Lord's House and other moral instruction. The
importance of, such is self-evident. Often parents have
only themselves to blame, that their children are ignorant
of sound doctrine, and are Sabbath-breakers, and direlect in
the religious and respectable habit of church attendance.
A truly Christian parentage is a great blessing, while a
practically irreligious parentage, is a curse to any childhood
and the terribleness of the curse only eternity will reveal.
December 28, 1814, an ecclesiastical council, consisting
of ministers — Aaron C. Collins, Ezekiel T. Chapman and
Dennis O. Griswold, dissolved the pastoral relation subsisting
between the church and Rev. Philander Parmele. The
council commended Mr. Parmele's pastorate and endorsed
him as a minister of the gospel.
During the five years intervening until the next pastor-
ate, Rev. Reuben Parmele appears to have acted as
moderator, and to have been in charge of the pulpit. It was
during this period and in the year 1816, that the church felt
the influence of the revival in this section of the State, and
was strengthened by it, $6 uniting with the church. The
church had already been through one such season, under
Mr. Parmele's ministry during the great revival of 1799,
which swept over the churches in this region. Also in 1830
and 1 83 1, under Rev. Daniel Johnson, there was a measure
of revival, 49 members being added to the church during
these two years. Under Rev. Richard Kay, in 1833 and
1834, 54 members were added to the church, showing a
marked spiritual interest. In the beginning of 1837, under
the ministry of Rev. Jairus Wilcox, there was an interesting
revival and 39 members were added to the church. Under
the ministry of Rev. Charles E. Furman, in 1839, 4^ were
added to the church, and again under the same ministry, in
1843 a gracious outpouring of God's Spirit resulted in 65
uniting with the church ; 151 uniting during the eight years
•of his ministry here. In 1853, under Rev. Calvin Waterbury,
there was a season of considerable interest, and 26 united
with the church. Again, during the ministry of Rev. Dr.
Nichols, in 1868 there was a precious season of revival and
57 united with the church. During 1885 — 1887 the church
was revived, and its membership increased by 134. It is
thus seen that God's Spirit has been with this church, and
blessed it with special seasons of spiritual refreshing during
the almost century of its existence.
December 1816, the church voted to join the Congre-
gational Association to be formed in this region. Viz. the
Genesee Consociation, organized about 18 17.
October i9,i8io,,the church called Rev.Ebenezer Raymond.
A council was called to ordain and install him. It assembled
November 9, 1819, and consisted of Rev. John Taylor and
Deacon Ezra Sheldon, of Mendon ; Rev. Ezekiel Chapman,
(moderator), and delegate Nathaniel Fisher, of Bristol ;
Rev. Chauncey Cook and Deacon Samuel Stone, of Pitts-
ford ; Rev. Julius Steele, (scribe), and Deacon William Hall,
of Bloomfield, and Rev. Reuben Parmele, of Victor. Rev.
Solomon Allen, being present, was invited to sit as corres-
ponding member. Mr. Raymond was ordained and
installed on the following day, November 10, at 10:30, A. M.,
in the church on the hill.
Rev. Reuben Parmele offered the introductory prayer.
Rev. John Taylor preached the sermon and delivered
the charge to the people.
Rev. Ezekiel T. Chapman offered the ordaining prayer.
Rev. Chauncey Cook gave the charge to the candidate.
Rev. Julius Steele gave the right hand of fellowship
and offered the concluding prayer.
Mr. Raymond graduated from Union College when 26
years old, in the class of 181 5, and was licensed by the
Union Association in 1816. At the time he entered college
he was a resident of Sherbourne, Chenango County, N. Y.
These are the only facts I have been able to find concerning
his life. After leaving Victor he went to Bristol, where he
remained from 1825 to 1830.
Early in Mr. Raymond's pastorate the Church revised
and elaborated its rules of discipline. The first mention on
the records of a contribution to foreign missions, is a collec-
tion of five dollars in 1821, which was sent through a Mr.
Beele, of Canandaigua, to the Foreign Missionary Society
of New York.
March 25, 1825, Mr. Raymond requested a dissolution
of the pastoral relation.
A council convened April 6, 1825, for the consideration
of a case of discipline, declined to dissolve the pastoral
relation, upon the ground that it was not mentioned in the
call. The records contain no evidence that Mr. Raymond
was formally released, but before the next church meeting
May 26, he was gone, and Rev. Reuben Parmele was
Rev. Jabez Spicer, appears to have served the church as
stated supply, from January 1, 1826 to Janury 30, 1827.
There is no record of a call, or a pastoral relation being
established, nor any trace of him after leaving Victor.
February 8, 1827, we again find Rev. Reuben Parmele,
the founder and life-long friend of this church, in charge
He was moderator of the church meeting held on this date,
at which the church voted to change its form of govern-
ment to Presbyterian. The minority then withdrew
and constituted themselves a Congregational church, and it
was not until five years afterward that the breach was healed.
May 16, 1827, a meeting of the Genesee Consociation
was held at Victor to consider the difficulties arising out
of this split in the church, and also an important case of
discipline. There were present, Rev. C. Thorp, moderator^
Rev. John Taylor, Rev. William P. Kendrick, Rev. Ebenezer
Raymond, and delegates Deacons James Saxton, from
Mendon, and Isaac Seeley, from Henrietta, Lyman T.
Lidder, from Elba and Amasa Walker, from Byron.
The following ministers being present, were invited to
sit as corresponding members : Rev's. Morris, Parmele,
Steele, Hollenbeck, and Mr. James Gaboon, a licentiate.
The association protested against the action of the
majority in the face of so determined a minority. At the
same time conceding there was no violation of covenant
in a Congregational church adopting a Presbyterian form
of government. The association also exonerated the
majority from any intention of undue haste or wrong, but
the association did not then effect a settlement of the
difficulties. At a meeting in the church on the hill, July
14, 1827, which was moderated by Rev. John Taylor, the
motion was made to "meet in this place, the Congregational
Meeting-house two weeks from to-day, at two o'clock, P.
M. to see if the two churches can agree to come together."
This brings the record of the Congregational branch to the
time of reunion — It will be proper before considering
the Reunion to insert here the action of the Presbyterian
branch between the years 1827 and 1832.
These records begin with a brief historical sketch
setting forth that in 1827 a large majority of the Congrega-
tional church voted to change its form of government from
Congregational to Presbyterian. The reasons given, are
the mature conviction that peace in the church could not
be properly maintained under a Congregational government,
which was neither efficient nor apostolic ; while the Presby-
terian government was apostolic and more conducive to
peace and spirituality.
Then follow the records of the meeting at which the
change was effected, and which Mr. Parmele moderated.
Subsequently, on March 21, 1827, the following officers
were elected:
Elders William Parmele, and Alvah Dickinson, Deacons,
Abijah Williams and William Parmele. These officers
were duly ordained and installed Sunday March 25, 1827,
by Rev. Reuben Parmele.
May 5, 1827, Rev. Garret HoDenbeck, and Rev. Warren
Day were invited to attend, as counsellors for the church,
the meeting of the Consociation held May 16, 1827,
and referred to above. A letter of dismission from the
association was requested.
November 29, 1827, this branch declined to return to
Congregational government, but proposed as a basis of
settlement, to meet on middle ground, and unite on the
accommodating plan set forth in the Presbyterian Digest.
January 12, 1828, Alvah Dickinson, was appointed a
■delegate to attend Presbytery at Geneseo, on January 15,
1828, and present a request for the admission of the church
to Presbytery ; which request was granted and the church
received January 16, 1828.
Rev. Daniel Johnson began his ministry at Victor,
about September 7, 1828.
Mr. Johnson, was the son of Thomas, and Mary
Lathrop Johnson, and was born at Bridgewater, Mass.
November 1783. He was one of the younger children of
a large family, and his father was a farmer. He was
educated at Brown University, Providence R. I. and
studied divinity at Bridgewater, with his pastor, Dr. Reed,
a Unitarian. In 1808 he was ordained and settled for life
(a custom then prevalent) in Orleans, Barnstable County,
In 1809 he married Miss Maria A. Sampson, of
Plymouth, Mass ("a lineal descendant of Miles Standish ;
also of John Alden and Priscilla, whose eldest daughter
Sarah, married Alexander, the only son of Miles Standish
by Rose ") Miss Sampson was not only of Puritan blood, but
also of Puritan orthodoxy , which was far more important when
she undertook the reformation of this young Unitarian, who
soon began to feel the influence of such association, and con-
vinced by such suasion, that his wife's religion was more in
accord with Scripture, abandoned his liberal sentiments,
burned his sermons, and avowed himself for Christ. He carried
his church with him. This shows what one truly pious wife
can do. After a ministry of twenty years at Orleans, he
came to Victor about September 7, 1828 and was the first
pastor of this church under its Presbyterian government.
His judgement was good, and he proved successful in
harmonizing the discordant elements, and so accomplishing
much toward reunion. After leaving Victor in December
183 1, Mr. Johnson preached for a time at Bushnell's Basin,
was several years at Sweden, also at Adam's Basin, in
Odgen. His health failing he retired to a small farm,
occasionally supplying some vacant pulpit for a few months
at a time. In 1852 he removed to Fairport where in
Febuary i860 he buried his wife after living together more
than fifty years. He died October 1867, in his eighty- fourth
year. Mrs. Mary J. Marsaellus, of Fairport, who so kindly
has furnished the substance for this sketch, and who is his
eldest daughter, born at Orleans, Mass., in 1810, writes
of him. " He was deeply interested in the formation and
success of the American board, and also in everything
pertaining to missionary work. Among my earliest
recollections, are the earnest prayers at the family altar for
those who had gone to carry the gospel to the heathen.
Temperance work early found in him an ardent
supporter and advocate. His character was symmetrical, a
well balanced mind, and even temperament ; a love for all
the ordiances of God's house; a constant attendant at the
prayer-meeting, and Sabbath services in his old age ;
and liberality with his modest means, were distinguishing
traits." Wherever known he was highly respected.
January II, 1829, John Mosher, and William Bushnell
were ordained elders. They had been elected May 30,
1829, at which time John Wells was elected deacon. Elder
William Bushnell was clerk of session for one year, when
he resigned and Elder J. W. Peet was elected clerk.
August 25, 1829, the Presbytery of Ontario met for
the first time in Victor, the church in the past having been
connected with the Congregational association. This brings
the record of this branch up to the reunion, which took
place September 20, 1832.
Both parties met in the meeting house on the above
mentioned date, Rev. Reuben Parmele, moderator., and
Nathan Jenks, clerk. The ladies also were given a voice in
the proceedings, and sanctioned the reunion.
The name and goverment of the church were to be
congregational, the majority to rule. Any person, or
persons, aggrieved by the decision of the majority, could
have the right of appeal, either to a council advisory or to
the Presbytery. A matter carried before a council must
come before the church for final approval. But in case of
appeal to Presbytery, the decision of that body was final.
The church records were to be submitted to the Presbytery
annually for review, but the Presbytery was not to have any
authority or control over the church itself. September 27, Ira
Dickinson, Frederick A. Hart, Samuel Tallmadge, William
Bushnell, and Belden Seymour, were appointed a committee
to present a copy of the new constitution to the members, for
their subscription. October 4th, of the same year, the
committee reported that the new constitution had been
submitted to nearly every member, and that all but one to
whom it was presented, had signed it. William Bushnell,
Waitstell Dickinson, and Rev. Reuben Parmele, were
appointed a committee to bear a copy of the new constitution
to Presbytery and secure its concurrence therewith. (For
list of those who signed new constitution see p, 34, vol. 2, of
January 13, 1833. The Lord's Supper was administered
by Rev. Silas C. Brown, and seven united with the church.
Thus early did the blessings of reunion begin to manifest
themselves. The day following, Mr. Brown moderated a
church meeting that gave a call to Rev. Richard Kay.
The new church building was dedicated, January 24,.
1833, at 11 A. M. and Mr. Kay, was ordained and installed,
by the same council, at 2 o'clock P. M. of the same day. and
so the reunited church received its new house of worship,,
and new pastor, on the same day, and began a new career,
which was destined to grow brighter and stronger and
more efficient, from that day forward.
The council convened January 23 , examined Mr. Kayr
and made preparation for his ordination and installation on
the following day.
Rev. Asa Johnson, offered the introductory prayer.
Rev, Gilbert Morgan, preached the sermon.
Rev. Silas C. Brown offered the ordaining prayer and
delivered the charge to the people.
Rev. Reuben Parmele, the charge to the pastor.
Rev. Daniel Johnson, the right hand of fellowship.
Rev. James Cahoon, the concluding prayer.
(See chapter V Church Erection, for the council which
ordained and installed Mr. Kay.)
Mr. Kay was a graduate of Auburn Theological
Seminary, class of 1829-32, and to its catalogue I am
indebted for the few following facts connected with his life.
He was born in Dublin, Ireland, January 16, 1799;
united with the English Episcopal church, in childhood ;
removed to Canada West in 18 19; some years later studied
at Hadley, Mass.; studied theology with Rev. Mr. Wood-
bridge, of Hadley, Mass. and at Auburn, 1830-2 ; He
married Miss Mary Anne Flynn. of Auburn. June 6, 1832;
he died of Apoplexy, at Lansing, Mich., Jan. 2, 1877. He
had five sons and five daughters ; his wife and three sons
survived him; he was ordained and installed at Victor,
N. Y. by a council January 24, 1833 ; was at Victor, 1832-5;
Holley, 1838-40; Warsaw, 1840-7; Groveland, 1847-9; Oak-
land, 1849-52; Bennington, Mich., 1852-77.
A strong' move was made towards a better church
attendance in October, I833, by the appointment of a
committee to visit each church member and hold prayer
meetings in the different districts, and so awaken the
church members and interest others, and urge and develop
a more earnest attention to spiritual things and church
attendance. This was an important move, its effect being
apparent in a healthier religious condition of the church,
and in increased conversions.
February 28, 1835, it was decided to print the Articles
of Faith and Covenant of the church, together with the
membership roll. It was very difficult for me to secure
even fragmentary copies of this circular. At the same
meeting in February a Total Abstinence Society was
organized in connection with the church. Nathan Jenks
and Belden Seymour were appointed a committee to draft
a constitution for said society. It was also resolved that
the church meet once in two weeks to pray for success and
blessing to attend our efforts in the Sabbath School cause.
How much of the present prosperity of the church is
undoubtedly due to this action arid such seasons of
prayer !
The zeal of those Christians, fifty-three years ago, has
left the healthy impress of its influence on the church to-day
and if we would do as much for the generations to come,
we must imbue the present with a truly pious and consecrated
life, and attention to church and spiritual affairs. The Sab-
bath breaker of to-day, who neglects God's house, and by
riding and driving and social amusements, lowers the
Christian estimate of the Sabbath and religious life, and
neglects the Sabbath School, and to pray and work for its
prosperity, is sowing a lower life and cursings rather than
blessings for the generations to come.
The above is the first minute I have found on the
records concerning the existence of a Sabbath School. It
shows that such a school was already an established adjunct
of the church. I am fortunate in being able to secure an
account. of that first organization from the lips of one of
the scholars of the first Sabbath School class organized,
and who is still living in the community. Mrs. Betsey
Boughton, then Betsey Parks, daughter of Simeon Parks,
a deacon of this church, came to Victor with her parents
in the year 1812, and was then thirteen years old. having
been born the same year in which this church organization
was completed. In 18 14 the Sabbath School was organized.
There were no stoves in the old church on the hill, and
after the service, she, with a few of the other girls, would
run down to Mrs. Dr. Beach's kitchen to warm themselves.
One Sabbath they found Mrs. Beach getting something for
a guest to eat. At that moment she was toasting bread,
and while so engaged entered into conversation with the
girls as to their knowledge of the Bible.
The next Sabbath when they came in she proposed
that they come there every Sabbath and study the Bible
with her. This pleased the girls for they were fond of Aunt
Fally Beach, as they used to call her. This Sabbath school
class soon grew to such proportions that it became necessary
to use the ball room upstairs, thus consecrating that place
of pedal and lower education, to a higher and spiritual
ambition. This Sunday School has been kept up to this
day and now numbers over three hundred members.
The roll of the present school can be found in
Appendix (D)
The house then occupied by Dr. Beach is the present
residence of William Gallup, on Main Street, next door to
his store. The house is one of the old landmarks of the
town, and was at the time above mentioned a prominent
hotel in this region. It is said that in 1824-25, when
Lafayette was passing through, he spoke from its piazza to
the people assembled to honor him.
April 19, 1835, the church gathered about the Lord's
table, upon the occasion of bidding farewell to one of its
members, Miss Marietta Rawson, who was about to sail as a
missionary to Bombay, India, having married Joseph
Webster. Out of this church and Sabbath School others
have gone to serve the Lord as ambassadors of Christ.
There is Rev. Dr. D. Henry Palmer, of Perin Yan, the son
of Dr. Palmer, the respected and beloved physician, who
served the community so faithfully for years ; and there is
also his other son. Rev. Frederick William Palmer, who has
recently completed his studies at Auburn Seminary for this
same sacred office. Then there are Rev. Clark B Gillette,
of Elmira, and Rev. Albert S. Bacon, of Oneida Castle, and
Rev. George F. Sweezy, whose father was an elder in the
church before removing to Batavia. These were all mem-
bers of this Sabbath School and attendants upon the
church, and most of them members of the church while they
lived in Victor. I should also mention Miss Emeline Dryer
and Miss Mary Moore, both of whom are now engaged in
the Bible work at Chicago, 111., and also Miss Abbie E.
Parks, for a time a missionary to Utah.
November 12, 1835, a council convened to consider the
request of Mr. Kay for a dissolution of the pastoral relation.
It consisted of Rev. J. B. Richardson, of Pittsford, Rev.
Silas C. Brown and delegate Jonathan Smith, Rev. Robert
W. Hill, of East BloomSeld ; Rev. Samuel Schaffer, of West
Bloomfield, delegates William Janes and William Buff el. Mr.
Kay appears to have ministered to the church after this date
and until July 3. 1836.
November 6, 1836. Rev. Jairus Wilcox entered upon
his ministry here, and he served the church until January
14, 1838. So far I have been unable to secure anything
concerning the life of Mr. Wilcox, before or since he was at
October 19, 1837, the church met to receive a commis-
sion from the Presbytery of Ontario, charged with the
mission of dissolving the relation subsisting between the
church and Presbytery, unless the church could agree to
become Presbyterian in full. The commission consisted of
Rev. John Barnard, D. D., Rev. Caleb Burge and Elder
The church declined the conditions and returned to its
previous status, an independent Congregational church.
Marcus A. Norton, Belden Seymour and Isaac T. Hollister
were appointed a committee to draw up a constitution and
revise the confession and covenant. The committee
reported recommending that the chuich " take the Holy
Bible as its constitution, that being, so far as the observa-
tion and research of your committee have extended, the
only constitution known and acknowledged among churches
of like denomination." It is evident that it had not been the
misfortune of these good brethren to run across any of the
hypothetically inspired New Theology advocates, or their
faith in God's word might have been impiously shaken.
Under the advice of a council convened November 13,
1837, consisting of ministers, Dr Barnard, Robert \V. Hill,
and John B. Richardson, the old confession and covenant
were added to the above mentioned constitution; All
offices in the church were declared vacant and arrangements
made for a new election. (These were evidently days of
organization and reorganization, but this church were veterans
in ecclesiastical warfare and revolutions, and it tended in the
end to a more settled condition.)
One feature of the new order was a committee of four,
two chosen annually, who with the pastor constituted a
committee of general supervision over church affairs,
answering to the present session. November 20, 1837,
John Wells and Marcus A. Norton, were elected deacons.
Samuel Talimadge and J. W. Peet, were elected members of
the standing committee to serve one year, and Isaac T.
Hollister and Hiram Seymour, to serve for two years.
Albert Simondswas elected clerk.
June20, 1838, this church extended a call to Rev. Charles
E. Furman, at a salary of $500. which in those days was
considered liberal. Mr. Furman's acceptance of the call
was not formally received until June 15, 1840.
Rev. Charles Edwin Furman, D. D., was born in
Clinton, Dutchess County, N. Y., December 13, 1801. His
father came from Newton, L. I., and his mother was
a daughter of John Gazlay, of "Nine Partners," N. Y-
About 1805 he removed with his father to Saratoga County,
near Ballston Centre, which church he joined in 1821.
There his parents lived and died. He graduated from
Union College in 1826; studied two years at Auburn
Theological Seminary, entering the middle class, and
graduating in 1828. Was licensed June 1828. Was an
agent of the American Tract Society in Ohio, from 1828 —
1829. He then went to Fort Wayne, Indiana, where he
spent a year organizing a Presbyterian Church, being the
first minister who preached there. He was ordained by the
Presbytery of Cayuga at Skaneateles, June 17, 1830, and
settled at Clarkson, N. Y., July 1, 1830, where he remained 5^
years. January 19, 1831, he married Miss Harriet Emeline
Johnson, of Rochester, N. Y.; Rev. Charles G. Finney,
officiating. The Clarkson church was much blessed by his
ministry. From Clarkson he was urged to go to Hamilton,
Canada, where he remained two years. In 1837, the
insurrection in Canada, known as the Patriot War, caused
him to move his family to Rochester, where he remained
during the following winter, supply in the Brick church.
The first Sabbath in March, 1838, he began his ministry in
Victor, where he remained until April, 1846. His labors
here were greatly blessed, and 151 members were added to
the roll during his ministry.
From Victor he went to Medina, 1846-54. In 1852,
his health failing through Bronchial and other troubles,
he held on until May, 1854, when he resigned and went
to Rochester to live.
While here he was employed by the American Bible
Society for five years.
Afterwards he supplied the pulpit of the church at
Chili for two years and subsequently the church at Brighton
for one year. December I, i860, his wife was summoned
to Heaven, and on account of feeble health, he spent some
time in traveling with his youngest daughter.
He lived a year with his eldest daughter, in Buffalo,
and in May, 1866, upon the marriage of his youngest
daughter, now Mrs. Martin Briggs, he went to live with
her at Rochester, until on June 10, 1880, God took him.
His first year in this new home of his daughter, was
one of sickness, during which his Bible was his constant
companion. He would pore over it, expressing his delight
with its beautiful and precious truth. Recovering from
this illness he again entered the pulpit. This time the
Gates church was benefited by his ripened ministrations
for more than two years. Then he returned to his former
charge at Clarkson, where he remained for more than two
years, until May, 1872. So long as his health endured, he
was in the field, at work for the master, preaching as
opportunity offered. Early in his ministry he served as
clerk, was temporary clerk of the Synod of Geneva for
two years, and for more than twenty-five years was its
permanent clerk. Was stated clerk of Niagara Presbytery
for ten years, and about as many years of the Rochester
Presbytery. In the "Half Century of the Presbytery of
Rochester,'1 (memorial services in the Brick church, 1869)
is a poem by him, written for the occasion, and entitled
" The Pastor."
He received D. D. from Hamilton College in 1878.
During the last years of his life he was a great and patient
sufferer, and yet found time to publish two books entitled
respectively "Home Scenes" (1874), and "Valley of the
Genesee" (1879) an<^ several occasional poems. Shortly
before his death, he wrote of his several charges, "Among them
all I have been familiar since leaving, and from them have
received universal expressions of affection : have often been
called to participate in their joys and sympathize with them
in sorrows ; and since I am old, have been treated as a father
as well as a brother. I feel unworthy of their esteem,
because of the too feeble efforts in services for my master,
and the few returns I will be able to make when called to
render an account of my stewardship. If anything I have
done has been approved and blessed of God, it has been
because of the gracious presence of His Spirit, attending
so humble a means, blessing so feeble an instrumentality,
and counteracting the influence of so many faults and
imperfections." His tomb is in Mount Hope Cemetry,
Rochester, N. Y. He had five children : three daughters
and two sons.
March 22, 1843, tne duties of the committee of advice
and pastoral assistance were made to include the visitation
of each family in their respective districts at least twice
each year. This is part of the Sessional oversight under
the present church government, and upon its faithful
performance largely depends the spiritual prosperity of the
church. The minister has his own peculiar, pastoral work
to perform, but there is a sphere of such work for the
eldership, which the minister cannot reach.
This church planted itself squarely against slavery, by
the action it took in December, 1843, declaring that "Slavery
as it exists in this country, is a moral, social, and political evil.
An, evil that results in oppression, ignorance, licentiousness,
and heathenism; and hence in the ruin of immortal souls;
and therefore ought to be abolished immediately."
It took strong ground against christians abetting this
evil, and appealed to the church to use its prayers and
influence for the suppression of the traffic.
The March communion season, 1846, was the end of
Mr. Furman's pastorate.
He was succeeded by Rev. Charles M. Merwin, who
administered the Lord's Supper in May 1846, and was
installed by an ecclesiastical council, Nov. 10, 1846.
The council consisted of Rev. Robert W. Hill, of East
Bloomfield, and delegate Andrew Cone, Rev. Maltby
Gelston, Rushville, and delegate George Thorpe, Rev. N.
W. Fisher, Palmyra, and delegate R. G. Pardee, Rev. J.
B. Richardson, of Pittsford, and delegate George Eddy,
Rev. 0. E. Daggett, of Canandaigua, and delegate L. B.
Tousley ; Rev. A. T. Rankin, of Mendon, and delegate
Ezra Sheldon; Rev. C. W. Gilman, of Fairport and Rev.
Charles E. Furman, of Medina. " Bro. R. S. Crampton
being present was invited to sit with the council.
Rev. Mr. Rankin, read the Scriptures and offered the
introductory prayer.
Rev. Mr. Fisher preached the sermon.
Rev. Mr. Richardson offered the installation prayer.
Rev. Mr. Gelston gave the charge to the pastor.
Rev. Dr. Daggett the right hand of fellowship.
Rev. Mr. Furman the charge to the people.
Rev. Mr. Gillman the concluding prayer.
Mr. Hill was moderator, and Dr. Daggett, scribe.
Rev. Charles Meruin, was born in Brookfield, Conn.
October I, 1810. In 1827, he united with the church in
Richmond N. Y. He studied at the University of New
York city. Married Miss Amelia Oliphant, of Auburn,
Aug. 20, 1840; and Miss Sarah T. Randall, of Lewiston,
Oct. 21, 1870. He graduated at Auburn Theological
Seminary in 1840. Was ordained and installed at Sodus,
N. Y. by the Presbytery of Geneva, Febuary 18, 1842.
Was settled at Sodus, 1 841-6; at Victor, 1847-9; Columbus
Ind. 1850; Lexington, Miss. 1852-3; Panama, N. Y. 1854-5;
Georgetown, Ohio, 1855-7; Amesville, 1858-64; Pomeroy,
1865-8; Lewiston, N. Y. 1868-70; Dresden, Ohio, 1870-1
Unionville, la., 1871-2 : Malvern, 1872-5; and the minutes
of 1888 record him as honorably retired and residing at
Tabor, Iowa.
Mr. Merwin remained with the church until Aug. 7,
1849, ^'hen the following council dissolved the pastoral
Rev. L. W. Billington, moderator, Fairport, and delegate
Cyrus Leonard, Rev. J. B. Richardson, and delegate John
Eckler; Rev. R. W. Hill, and delegate George W. Allen;
Rev. Henry W. Taylor, and delegate L. B. Tousley ; Rev.
Thomas Belamy, Penfield, Rev. A. G. Hall, 3d ch.
Rochester, also present Rev. Charles Merwin, and Messrs.
Albert Simonds and Dr. J. W. Palmer, Committee.
January 6, 1850, the Lord's Supper was administered
by Rev. A. Van H. Powell, who appears to have continued
to supply the church and on June 15, 1850, the society
instructed the trustees to employ him for an indefinite time,
.and he continued in charge of the pulpit until after March
2, 1 85 1. We have been unable to find anything further
•concerning Mr. Powell.
July 8, 185 1, the trustess were authorized to employ
Rev. Calvin Waterbury. He continued without installation
until October 21, 1852, when the congregation renewed the
call with a view to his installation, and on the succeeding
November 4, at 10 A. M he was installed by the following
Rev. Dr. O. E. Daggett, moderator, Rev. Job Pierson
Jr., scribe, Deacon W. M. Chipman, delegate from Canan-
daigua, Rev. Dr. Henry Kendall, delegate Andrew Cone,
Rev. Dr. James B. Shaw. Rev. R. Harrington, of the East
Genesee Conference, was invited to sit as corresponding
member. Mr. Waterbury was a member of the Rochester
Rev. R. Harrington, read the Scripture and offered
the opening prayer.
Rev. Dr. Daggett preached the sermon.
Rev. Dr. Kendall offered the installation prayer and
gave the charge to the people.
Rev. Dr. Shaw gave the charge to the pastor.
Rev. Job. Pierson the right hand of fellowship and
concluding prayer.
Benediction by the pastor.
Mr. Waterbury's pastoral relation terminated August
10, 1 855. Previously at a meeting of the church July 24,
.1855, when Mr. Waterbury presented his resignation,
resolutions were adopted of which the following is the
Mr. Waterbury being about to leave this place which
he has filled with " honor to himself and profit to us."
Resolved, That in accepting his resignation we can but
record our testimony to the faithfulness and success with
which he has discharged his duties while among us. That
with great reluctance we consent to severing relations which
have proved so agreeable, and we trust so profitable to all.
The ecclesiastical council convened August 15, 1855. at
10 A. M., to dissolve the pastoral relation, consisted of Rev.
Dr. James B. Shaw, moderator, and Rev. L. W. Billington,
clerk. Also Rev. Job Pierson, Jr., Rev. Dr. Henry Kendall,
Rev. O. C. Beardsley, David Dickey, John Eckler, J. V. \V.
Annin, M. Adams, of East Bloomfield, and H. Allen. The
council declared that with deep regret it consented to the
dissolution of a relation which has so happily existed between
pastor and people, yet concurred in the will of the great
head of the church, which had evidently called him to
another field, and cordially commended him to the warm sym-
pathies and earnest co-operation of the ministry and
churches, as a zealous and devoted servant of the Lord
Jesus Christ and eminently qualified to proclaim the gospel.
Rev. Calvin Waterbury, son of Daniel and Mary Water-
bury, was the youngest of a family of eleven children, and
was born in Middletown, Deleware County, N. Y., April 21,
1809. His early life was given to Christ and soon after he
turned his heart to the ministry. He received his theologi-
cal education at Lane and Auburn seminaries; one year at
the former and two years at the latter, where he graduated
in 1836. He married for his first wife Miss Priscilla Bettsv
of Franklin, N. Y., January 8, 1836, and for his second wife
Mrs. Ann P. Bachmann Phipps, September 19, 1867. His
first charge was at Butternuts, Otsego County, N. Y.; was
pastor at Gilbertsville, N. Y., 8 years, First Presbyterian
church, Freeport, 111., 1842-7, Victor, N. Y., July 8, 1851 to
Aug. 15, 1885, Bergen, N. Y.. Knoxville, 111., Cedar Falls,
Iowa, .Tonesboro and Kingsport, Tenn. He died at his
home, Rotherwood, Tenn. January 3, 1874. In a short
obituary of him, it is stated that he was "a man of earnest
life and warm heart," and "leaves loving friends at every
scene of his labors." An extract from the minutes of
Holston Presbytery, Synod of Tennessee declares that "he
was a man of very strong convictions, and whatever he felt
was duty, in that he engaged with all his might. Believing
that education was the true handmaid of religion, he was
found, where he went, an ardent and zealous worker in that
cause. He was a man of indomitable will; difficulties never
deterred him. He had a very strong and abiding faith in
the promises and truth of God. No dispensations of his
providences ever seemed to cause him to doubt. In later
life, he seemed to have the most perfect assurance of his
acceptance through Christ, and his sickness and death were
a triumphant manifestation of the power of grace." "With
this implicit faith in Christ he fell asleep. Truly the
righteous hath hope in his death." The same Presbytery
resolved, "that we will miss the valuable council and wisdom
of our deceased brother in our Presbyterial meeting. We
record our grateful sense of the divine favor in having
granted to him so happy and triumphant a translation to
the church above."
January 7, 1856, a call was extended to Rev. Charles
C. Carr, to supply the pulpit for a year.
Rev. Charles Carrol Carr, the son of Elijah Carr, and
Catharine Williams, was born in Romulus, Seneca County,
N, Y.. March 22, 1812. His father was of Scotch, and his
mother of German descent. He worked on the farm until
nineteen years old, then taught school two and a half years.
May 1 831, united with the Presbyterian church at Romulus,
Rev. Morris Barton, pastor. Mr. Carr prepared for college
at the Geneva Lyceum, beginning August, 1833. He
graduated from Union College in 1838, and from Auburn
Theological Seminary in 1841. He was ordained and in-
stalled over the Presbyterian church at Horseheads. June 30,
1841, by the Presbytery of Chemung. He resigned this
charge April 1, 1856, preached six months, or more, at
Victor, as pastor elect, and afterwards was pastor at Painted
Post, two years and eight months; was settled at Burdett,
three years and eight months. April 1, 1 863, again became
pastor at Horseheads, remaining there until June 30, 1886,
when he was made pastor emeritus, since then has been
stated supply at Breesport and Sullivanville, near Horse-
August 24, 1 841, he married Miss Eleanor Folwell of
Romulus, who died January 1, 1863. March 30, 1864, he
married Mrs. O. M. Cheever, of Hector. Mr. Carr has been
connected with the Chemung Presbytery during his entire
ministry, and was its stated clerk and tieasurer for more
than 38 years.
The contract with Mr. Carr terminated, by mutual
consent, October 20, 1856, at his request.
I take the opportunity to remark here at the end of
this period, which mirks the transition of the church from
Congregationalism to Presbyterianism, that the society
records, so far as they pretain to the tempoialities, and were
embraced in the first volume of such records, are lost ; the
second volume dating from June 15, 1839. The church records
are complete from its organization, as are also some important
documents pretaining to the temporalities.
The Act of Incorporation on file in the County Clerk's
office (see Appendix A) exhibits the fact that Jaied Bough-
ton, Joseph Brace, Jr., and Thomas Hawley, were the first
trustees elected by the organization, September 13, 1798.
The first record in Volume 2, is of the annual pew renting,
June 15, 1839. The next meeting was Aug. 15, 1839, wnen
Rev. Mr. Furman stated that the object of the meeting
was to take measures to procure a parsonage.
September 12, 1839, tne trustees were authorized to
purchase parsonage and lot for $975, and repair the building.
December 5, 1848, the trustees were authorized to
locate and build sheds for the accommodation of the con-
gregation, when called for.
October 3, 1853, the society received a communication
from Mr. Nathan Jenks, in accord with its action of Decem-
ber 6, 1852, and September 21, 1853, by which a final
settlement with Mr. Jenks was effected as to land deeded
by him to the church.
October 17, 1855, the trustees were authorized to sell
such portion of the eastern part of the parsonage premises
not exceeding one-half with the barn, at such price, and on
such terms as in their judgdment will best promote the
interests of said society. It was such sale that probably
established the present eastern line of the parsonage
In order to change its corporate title to the "North
East Congregational Society in the town of Bloomfield,"
the society was re-incorporated December 2, 181 1, and
Abijah Williams, Ebenezer Bements, Erastus Ingersoll,
Thomas Beach, M. D. and Abraham Boughton, were elected
The society is now entitled, "The First Presbyterian
Church in Victor." This is its present corporate title.
December 8, 1856, the church called Rev. Job Pierson,
Jr., of Pittsford, N. Y.
Rev. Job Pierson D. D., was born in Schaghticoke,
Rensselaer County, N. Y., February 3, 1824, After a pre-
paratory education at Bennington, Vt, and Troy, N. Y„
he graduated from Williams College in 1842, He then
spent two years in his father's law office, and entered
Auburn Theological Seminary in 1844, from which he
graduated in 1847. 1° 1846, he was licensed by the
Presbytery of Chenango. After leaving the Seminary, he
was stated supply of the Presbyterian church at Corning for
about two years. In the summer of 1850 he accepted a
call to the Presbyterian church at Pittsford, N. Y, Here
on February 12, 185 1, he was ordained and installed by
the Rochester Presbytery, In 1856, he resigned his charge
at Pittsford, and went abroad to England for his health.
Returning in the fall of 1856, he accepted a call to
the Congregational church at Victor, N. Y,, which during
his ministry there, changed its government to Presbyterian,
In the summer of 1863, he accepted a call to Kalamazoo,
Mich, where he labored five years. In 1868, he accepted a
call to the Presbyterian church of Ionia, Mich.
His health failingi he resigned this charge in July, 1878;
and retired from the active work of the ministry. Since then
he has resided at Ionia, being engaged in literary work
connected with the <; New English" and the "Stamford"
dictionary, now in course of publication in England ; and
occasionally, he supplied churches in the neighborhood of
In 1849, Mr. Pierson married Miss Rachel W. Smith,
of Geneva, N. Y. by whom he has had five children, one
daughter (being the eldest), and four sons. The two
youngest sons were born in Victor. All his children are
now living. In 1881, he received the degree D. D. from
Olivet College, Mich.
It was after thorough and prayerful consideration that
the church determined to adopt the Presbyterian form of
government. At a meeting held February 24, 1858, an
informal ballot was taken with only one dissenting vote.
Then a committee was appointed to investigate as to the
effect of such a change upon the title to the church property.
Able legal counsel was consulted and a satisfactory opinion
March 8, 1858, the following resolution was unani-
mously adopted :
Resolved ; That we as a church adopt the Presbyterian
form of government and that hereafter we be known as
the First Presbyterian Church of Victor."
The church began with a rotary eldership of six
members, one elder to go out of office each year, and
another to be elected in his place. This was subsequently
changed December 19, 1866, to a permanent eldership.
At the first election the following named elders were
chosen: Samuel Tallmadge, Albert Simonds, George W.
Farnham, D. Henry Osborne, Salmon Gorsline and Hiram
At the same meeting Samuel Tallmadge and Albert
Simonds were elected deacons (March 8, 1858).
The ordination of these officers took place on the
Lord's day, April 4, 1858. (See Appendix B. for roll of
Pastors, Deacons, Elders and Trustees.)
The church was received into the Rochester Presbytery
at its spring meeting, beginning April 6, 1858. Elder D.
Henry Osborne representing the church and presenting its
request for admission.
Albert Simonds was elected clerk of session, an office
he has held continuously to the present day, and still
holds; his son, C. Lewis Simonds having been elected
assistant clerk.
The first preparatory lecture under the new govern-
ment was held Friday, April 2, 1858, at which was adminis-
tered the first infant baptism under the new government,
being that of Cora Bushnell, daughter of D. Henry and
Lovina A. Osborne.
The Lord's Supper was administered and elders
ordained on April 4, 1858, by Rev. Job Pierson.
The total number of communicants at this time was
100. Already in its past history the membership had at
one time been over 200. It varied greatly from time to
time. . In 1884 it was 129. It is at present over 200. Rev.
Mr. Pierson was installed at Victor by the Rochester
Presbytery June 19, 1862. About one year afterwards, on
September 14, 1863, he presented his resignation and
requested the church to concur with him in asking Presby-
tery to dissolve the pastoral relation. This the church
reluctantly consented to do, assuring him and his family
that they would '" ever cherish with gratitude the remem-
brance of their devoted and faithful labors among them."
Mr. Pierson resigned to accept a call to Kalamazoo,
December 21, 1863, the church called "Rev. William H.
Rev. William Henry Webb, D. D., was born at Homer,
N. Y., June 7, 1833. He was the fourth child of Curtis
Webb, a native of New London County, Connecticut, who
at the age of twenty-one, moved to Homer, N. Y., where
he married Margaret Hitchcock.
The early life of Rev. William Webb was spent upon
the farm at Homer. Until 14 years old, he attended the
public school, and then entered the Cortland academy.
Here he graduated as valedictorian of his class, in 1854,
united in 1853 with the Congregational church at Homer.
In 1855 he entered the Sophomore class at Hamilton College
and graduated an "honor man" in 1858. The same year
he entered Auburn Seminary from which he graduated in
1 861 . In the second year of his Seminary course he was
licensed by the "Ontario Association," and supplied vacant
pulpits during his Senior year. After leaving the Seminary
he was settled over the Congregational church in Niagara
City, N. Y.; was ordained and installed July 18, 1861, by
the "Ontario Association." May 9, 1861, he married Miss
H. Elizabeth Prince, of Auburn, N. Y. From Niagara City
he was called to Victor N. Y., Dec 6, 1863. October. 1865
he accepted a call to Michigan, where he remained nine
years. In 1 874 he accepted a call to the Second Pi esbyterian
church, Springfield, Ohio, where he remained twelve years.
In 1883, he received his D. D. from Wittenberg College,
Springfield, Ohio. In 1886, he resigned at Springfield, and
is at present residing at Auburn, and spending much of
his winters in Florida, on account of ill health. He has
only one son living, Francis William Webb, and has lost
three children. At the time this sketch was written, he was
supplying a church in Florida. Mr. Webb's pastorate at
Victor closed October 22, 1865.
January 15, 1866, the church called Rev. Gideon P.
Nichols, at a salary of $1000, and parsonage. This marks
another advance by the church, in the matter of ministerial
Rev. Gideon Parsons Nichols, D. D., the only child of
Abiel and Jerusha Parsons Nichols, was born July 30, 1837,
,in Windsor, Berkshire County, Mass. He received his
preparatory education at Geneseo Academy, N. Y. under
the Principalship of the Rev. James Nichols. He graduated
from Union College. N. Y. in 1860. After spending two
years as a teacher of Greek and Latin in the Seminary at
Warnerville, N. Y., he entered Princeton Theological Sem-
inary where he graduated in 1865. His first pastorate
was Victor, N. Y. where he was called in May 1866. From
Victor, he was called in 1869 to the Olivet Presbyterian
church, Chicago, 111. While preaching in Chicago, and before
his acceptance of the call, he was invited to the pastorate
of Immanuel church, Milwaukee, which call he accepted.
In June, 1871 he was married to Miss Delia B. Nichols of
Rochester, N, Y. He resigned his charge at Milwaukee in
1881. In July of the same year he was called to the First
Presbyterian church of Binghamton, N. Y.. of which he is
still the pastor. He received D. D. from Lake Forest
University, in 1880.
Mr. Nichols left Victor after August 8, 1869. His
ministry had been fruitful of conversions, and he had
endeared himself to the church. August 22, 1870, the
church voted to recall Mr. Nichols at salary of $1,500,
but the call was declined.
It was at this meeting Col. Lewis made his offer of a
$2,000 organ, if the society would include in its contem-
plated improvements a place for the organ.
Rev. Louis Bodwell, of Topeka, Kansas, and at the
time residing at the Sanitarium, Clifton Springs, N. Y.
supplied the pulpit for about a year from February 6, 1870.
March 20, 1871, the church called Rev. Henry T.
Miller, at a salary of $1,200 and parsonage. Mr. Miller was
ordained and installed by the Rochester Presbytery June 1,
Rev. Henry Thaddeus Miller, a son of Nathaniel B. and
Sophia Miller, was born in Tuscarora, Livingston County,
N. Y., August 17, 1842. He prepared for college at Lima,
N. Y., united with the Brick (Pres.) Church, Rochester,
June 2, 1867. Graduated from Rochester University in
1868, and from Auburn Theological Seminary in 1871. He
married Miss Jennie Kennedy, of New York City, October
17, 1871.
His first settlement was at Victor, where he was
ordained and installed by the Presbytery of Rochester, June
1, 1871. Here he remained until June 1, 1873. From Victor
he went to Medina, N. Y., 1873 — -5, then to Chicago, 111.,
6th Presbyterian Church from 1875 — 82. From Chicago to
Fort Street, Presbyterian Church, Detroit, Mich.
Mr. Miller found the church with a membership of 172,
which was increased during his ministry, and at the time of
his call to Medina, numbered 205.
October 25, 1873, the church called Rev. William B.
Marsh, of Huron, Wayne County, N. Y.
Rev. William Blackmore Marsh, was born in Truro, N.
S., October 26, 1844. His father, Moses Marsh, was a
native of Boston, Mass., and descended from Alexander
Marsh, who settled at Quincy, Mass. in 1650.
His mother, Hannah Blackmore, was born in Truro, N.
S. When seven years old, William went with his parents
to Chelsea, Mass. where he received his early schooling.
When about n years old, he went to pursue his studies
with his brother, who was teaching in Carroll College,
Waukesha, Wis. Here he remained five years, graduating
in 1 860. He graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary
in 1863. Princeton College gave him A. M. in 1863. He
was licensed by New Brunswick Presbytery April, 1865.
Was agent of U. S. San. Com. '64 — '65, and was with
Gen. Grant's army, and afterwards in Shenandoah Valley
under Sheridan, was in charge of the relief at Winchester
after the battle of Opequam Creek, where many were
wounded, and was acting chief clerk of San. Com.
office at Washington, at the time Early menaced the
Capitol. Subsequently was sent north to interest the
people in the work. He presented this cause through
Pennsylvania and the New England States. After the war he
entered the Home Mission field, was in charge of Presbyte-
rian churches at Gilman and Piper City, 111. from '65 — '67,
being the first and only minister in a tract 25 miles square-
In two years a church building and parsonage were erected.
He was ordained an evangelist at Bloomington, 111., April
25, 1866. With a brother, since become a minister, and a
sister, now a missionary to Morioka, Japan, Mr. Marsh
settled at Northfield and Bedford, Ohio, '67 — '71.
September 5, 1867, he married Elvira Ann Means.
He was S. S. at Huron, Wayne County, N. Y. '71 — '"/t,,
Pastor at Victor, December 7, 1873, to November 22, 1875.
From Victor he was called to Tallmadge, Ohio. (Congre-
gational church) where he remained ten years. From
Tallmadge, in 1885 he removed to Burton, Geauga County,
Ohio. Mr. Marsh had four children, two boys and two
girls, all are living.
At a meeting of the society at Victor, held November
15, 1875, Mr. Marsh gave notice of his resignation to accept
a call to Tallmadge, Ohio, and requested the concurrence of
the church.
Resolutions were adopted testifying to the faithfulness
and efficiency of Mr. Marsh, and especially to his efforts in
the interest of Christian Missions. During the pastorate of
Mr. Marsh, and on October I, 1875, the session instituted
measures for the organization of a town Bible Society, and
sought co-operation from the other evangelical churches in
the town.
Rev. Robert Ennis began his ministry at Victor,
February 12, 1876. On April 24, 1876, after a season of
revival, the church called Mr. Ennis to become its pastor-
Mr. Ennis accepted conditionally without installation.
Rev. Robert Ennis, eldest son of Joseph, and Ruth
Ann Ennis, was born at Perth Centre, Fulton County, N.
Y. June 25, 1 841. When two years old, his parents moved to
Princetown, Schenectady County, N. Y. and settled on a
farm. He joined the united Presbyterian church, Florida,
N. Y. under the ministry of Rev. George M. Hall, in 1854,
together with twenty-four young men. He had a strong
desire at that time to enter the ministry, but his parents
being in straitened circumstances he was kept at work
during the summers, and at the district school in winter,
until nineteen years old, when he entered the acad-
emy at Johnstown, N. Y., to prepare for college. He
graduated from Union College in 1867, and entered
Princeton Theological Seminary that same Fall, graduating
there in 1870. He was pastor elect over the Presbyterian
church at Broadalbin, Fulton County, N. Y. about one year.
During a revival there his health failed, and he was obliged
to resign. 24 converts were the fruit of his short ministry.
In November 1871, he was ordained and installed over the
Presbyterian church at Pequea, Lancaster, County Pa. by
the Presbytery of Westminster, during this pastorate^of
three years and a half about 200 united with the church.
At the beginning of 1876, while conducting meetings at
Chili, N. Y. he was sent to supply the church at Victor,
where he remained from February 12, 1876, to Augusts,
1877. In 1878, he was installed over the West End Pres-
byterian church, at West Albany, N. Y.; here he remained
about six years. In the spring of 1882, he married the
daughter of Mr. James Scase, and in the fall of 1883, was
sent out under the Board of Home Missions to Madison,
Dakota, here he was stated supply for two years, when the
health of his family compelled him to remove to Jackson-
ville, Oregon. He is at present supplying the Presbyterian
churches of Jacksonville and Phoenix, in the Presbytery of
Mr. Ennis terminated his connection with the Victor
church, August 5, 1877.
Rev. Thomas E. Babb, began to supply the Victor
church November 26, 1877,
January 14, 1878, the church called him to the pastorate.
Mr. Babb accepted the call to take effect April 1, 1878.
Rev. Thomas Earle Babb, was born in Orange, N. J.
August 21, 1840, and was the son of William G. and Anna
Earl Babb. His early residence and education were in
New York city. Between his early schooling and fitting
for college he served three years as a clerk in New York. He
prepared for college at the New York University Grammar
School. Graduated at Amherst College, 1865, studied two
years in Bangor Theological Seminary, and one year at
Andover, graduating there in 1868. Taught school several
terms, during college and seminary course, was ordained
January 19, 1869, served as acting pastor of Congregational
church, at Eastport, Maine, from September, 1868 to May,
1871, and as pastor at Oxford, Mass. from May, 1871, to
May. 1877. Was pastor of Presbyterian church, Victor, N. Y.
from March 1878, to June 1883; and was the acting pastor of
the Congregational church at West Brookfield, Mass. from
June 1883, where he is at the present time.
September 28, 1869, he married Miss Ellen Augusta
Cook, of Bangor, Maine. The interval between his
pastorate at Oxford and Victor was spent, mostly, at the
Sanitarium, Clifton Springs. During Mr. Babb's ministry
and on August 2, 1878, the session voted the use of
unfermented wine for the communion table. In 1880,
$1,500 were raised to pay off an accumulated debt.
Whereupon the society solemnly pledged itself that at the
time of seat-rentings it would hereafter be as liberal as able,
and prompt in its payments, to the end that the House of our
God may never again be brought under the reproach of debt.
The resolution is very happily worded, there being no
determination to be niggardly with God or His servants,
but to come up liberally to the measure of the needs of His
cause and church. If all churches would honestly pay such
vows unto God, they would be under a continuous
shower of blessing.
Mr. Babb resigned his charge at Victor, to accept a call
to Brookfield, Mass., April 23, 1883. At a meeting of the
church, held for the purpose, the following action was taken.
I give only an extract :
" Although we deeply deplore the loss of his able
ministrations and his faithful labors of love among us, his
upright and conscientious life, his earnest zeal for the good
of the people of his charge and the glory of the Master of
the Heavenly Kingdom, we do unite with him in requesting
Presbytery to dissolve his relation with us, that he may, in
obedience to the Master's call, go elsewhere to labor in the
common vineyard, feeling that what is our loss will be to
others gain. " To this was added affectionate commenda-
tion of his family much beloved.
The present encumbent received a call from the church,
October 15, 1883, but did not see his way clear to accept,
and declined. The call was repeated twice thereafter, the
last time in June, 1884, and was accepted, to take effect
July 1, 1884. Rev. Clarence Walworth Backus, the son of
Rev. Dr. J. Trumbell Backus and Ann E. Walworth, was
born in Schenectady, N. Y., April 20, 1846. He was
educated there in the public schools, and a graduate of
Union College in the class of 1870; and united with the
First Presbyterian church, Schenectady, June 24, 1866. He
spent one year of his early school life (1863) at the Penn-
sylvania Military Academy, Westchester, Pa., (now at
Chester). July 29, 1864, he was commissioned by Governor
Horatio Seymour, first lieutenant in the 97th New York
State Volunteers, and was immediately assigned to duty as
aid de camp on the staff of General M. D. Hardin,
commanding defenses north of the Potomac, with head-
quarters at Washington, D. C. Subsequently, at his own
request, on November 11, 1864, he was transferred to the
staff of General Wesley Merritt, commanding cavalry under
General Sheridan, and with the exception of about two
months during the following winter, when on duty in
Washington, he remained with General Merritt in Sheri-
dan's command until after Appomattox and the review at
Washington. He was mustered out with his regiment,
July 18, 1865. He spent three years at Princeton
Theological Seminary, and on April 30, 1873, married
Susan Livingston Washington, daughter of James Augustine
Washington, M. D., of New York city. He was licensed to
preach by the Albany Presbytery at New Scotland, June
12, 1872. In May, 1873, he entered upon his first charge at
Northampton and Northville, N. Y. He was ordained at
the First Presbyterian church, Schenectady, N. Y., June
11,1873, ar,d installed at Northampton, July 23^ 1874.
From Northampton he went to Charlton, October 17, 1876.
From there, to Princetown, April 29, 1883, and to Victor,
July I, 1884. He was received into the Rochester
Presbytery, at Fowlerville, on September 16, 1884. He
served that Presbytery as Moderator in the fall of 1886, and
as a delegate to the General Assembly at Philadelphia in
He has one son living, Jonathan Trumbull Backus,
born at Schenectady, N. Y., October 1, 1878.
At the beginning of his pastorate the church numbered
129 members, and so far the Lord has blessed this ministry.
October 3, 1884. A Confession and Covenant in accord
with the standards of the Presbyterian church, was adopted.
January 30, 1880, the government of the Sabbath school
was placed in the hands of the Session, in accord with the
deliverances of the General Assembly and Synod.
December 2, 1887. The Sabbath School collections on
the first Sabbath of every month were ordered to be devoted
to missions.
December 28, 1887. The control of the church music
was transferred by the trustees to the session, and a sessional
committee on music appointed.
November 21, 1887. The trustees were authorized to
secure in a proper and legal manner the change of the
corporate title to, " The First Presbyterian Church in Victor,"
which was duly effected.
January, 1885. The Young People's Sabbath evening
prayer meeting was established.
February, 1886. The Young People's Christian Asso-
ciation was organized, and the following year on February
21, 1887, it was re-organized as the Young People's Society
of Christian Endeavor.
The Sabbath School Temperance Society of the
Presbyterian church was organized by the primary depart-
ment February 10, 1888. It involves three pledges, one
known as the Liquor Pledge. A second, as the Tobacco
Pledge. A third, as the Purity Pledge. In the two former,
the obligation continues until the signer is twenty-five years
The badge of the first is a blue ribbon, of the second, a
red ribbon, of the third, a white ribbon. One who has signed
all three pledges, has a red, white, and blue rosette as a
The Ladies' Missionary Society (Home and Foreign),
was organized April, 1874.
The Children's " Lend a Hand " Missionary Band was
organized 1885, and is destined to become absorbed in
the Sabbath School Band.
First Presbyterian Church, of Victor, N. Y.
As Subscribed by Persons Joining its Communion.
In God's House to-day and recognizing your obligations
to Divine Grace, you profess to have embraced the offer of
the gospel, and relying only upon Christ, do engage to be
the Lord's.
You believe the. Scriptures of the Old and New Testa-
ments, to be the Word of God, and the only infallible rule
of faith and practice, and you promise to make them your
mle of faith and conduct.
You believe in the Triune Jehovah, God the Father
God the Son and God the Holy Ghost.
You engage, with the assistance of Divine Grace, to
continue in the maintenance of this faith, and the perform-
ance of all the duties which flow therefrom; in the diligent
use of the Divinely appointed means of Grace; in subjection
to the constituted authorities of this Church; in the peace,
love and mutual edification of the brethren ; also to be
" zealous of good works," and not conformed to the world
in its peculiar principles and practices.
This old church has weathered its own peculiar but
sturdy past. A veteran in Christian warfare, it has outrid-
den many a storm, aid triumphed ag.iin and again over the
organized opposition of Satan,
God has given to its Christian effort of almost one
hundred years, many precious souls as seals of its divine
commission. To-day it is manned by strong and loyal
Christian hearts, and above all God is with it. It stands the
honoured beacon of evangelicism, linking a century gone, to
the centuries that are and are to follow; its religion a
cherished heritage, which will be revered and loved by its
membership, from generation to generation, while the Sun
endures. May its sons and daughters be ever loyal and
true, not only to the church, but to its essential feature, the
precious Cross of Christ, with its far reaching import.
Blest with a growing past, to have now reached its
climax would forebode decline. That past is the strongest
guarantee of an enduring future.
The Loyalty to Christ of the early settlers of Victor
would severely reflect upon that impiety of succeeding
generations, that would permit Christ's house and cause to
fall into neglect. A church so piously founded, and so
zealously mantained in the past, is endeared as a heritage
never to be despoiled. He who is unfaithful to God in his
church relations, is unfaithful at heart; whose disloyalty and
want of true Christian principle, is an undercurrent of
curruption that will crop out in every department of life.
No personal feelings, no disappointments, no affiliations
elsewhere, will affect the religious devotion of every loyal
heart to this church of their forefathers planting.
It is God's house, the temple of God's worship, in the
midst of its Christian homes. How it appeals to every
noble Christian impulse and principle! Disrespect to God's
worship here, and neglect of the respectable maintenance
of His House, will be proof of the individual godlessness of
its membership. Its worship, outward appearance, and
support, mark the religious character of the homes it
represents. In being loyal to Christ and this church the
people will best advance their own and their children's
interests. In disloyalty, contentions, and neglect, they will
reap for themselves and their children, God's disfavor both
spiritual and temporal. The success of a cjurch is not
dependent upon any one man, but upon the piety and
devotion of its people, and in that favor of God which is
their life. It is not enough to be satisfied with a past, the
future beckons on to grander achievement and more en-
during success.
Documents Connected with the Early History of
the Presbyterian Church.
THE first document was presented in connection with
sketch number four, and was a certified copy of the Act
of Incorporation^ on record in the County Clerk's office at
The following document is the original contract between
Eev. Reuben Parmele and the Society. A fragment of the
paper is missing, and the part still remaining is much torn.
It was found in an old trunk containing papers of Deacon
Abijah Williams, and is now in the possession of Mr. Robert
Bruce Moore. I will insert ( * - ) where a part of the
document is missing :
" WHEREAS, On the thirteenth day of September in the
year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-
eight, a number of persons in the northeast part of the town
of Bloomfield, in the county of Ontario and State of New
York, in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the said
State entitled "an Act to Enable Religious Denominations to
Appoint Trustees, etc., passed the 6th day of April. 1784,"
and proceeded to form themselves into a religious society
by the name and style of " The North Congregational
Society in the town of Bloomfield" — — ; and
WHEREAS, The said society at their said meeting chose
a committee to wait on the Reverend Reuben Parmele, and
give him a call to come and preach the gospel to the said
society, and to offer him certain terms specified in the vote
of the said society as per record will appear - — — ;
Whereas, The said Mr. Parmele has notified to the
said society his acceptance of the said specified terms,
— — . Now, therefore
This memorandum of an agreement made and
concluded this thirteenth day of February, in the year of our
Lord, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, between
the said Reuben Parmele of the one part, and Joseph Brace,
Jr., Thomas Hawley and Jared Boughton, trustees of the
said society, duly and legally appointed, of the other part,
witnesseth — that the said Reuben Parmele being this day
installed as pastor of the Church of Christ in the said
society, is to do and perform, all and singular, the duties
and functions pertaining to the office of a regular gospel
minister in the said society, excepting and reserving to the
said Mr. Parmele every fourth Sabbath during the first two
years, to be computed from the twenty-first day of January
(1799) * * * * * " * * (Quite a large
fragment is here missing, being evidently broken out by
folding.) * * * * * *
" Shall give four months previous notice to the other
party of such desire. In such case a council shall be called
and a dissolution take place without any ceremony."
In witness to the above agreement the parties to the
above agreement have interchangeably set their hands and
seals to two instruments of like tenor and date.
Reuben Parmele.
\ Zadock Hunn.
( John Rolph.
Joseph Brace,
Jared Boughton,
Thos. Hawley,
Trustees to said Society.
Another document is the assessment roll, equitably
apportioning to each pew holder his part of the society's
indebtedness upon the completion of the old church on the
hill. The document is valuable as showing: that the church
was built by the society and that the title of the proprietors
was vested in their pews, which they owned and could
dispose of at their pleasure, but not so as to divert the
property from its legitimate use in connection with the
Congregational Society. This document is also valuable as
showing who were so connected with the Congregational
Society at the time the assessment was made :
An assessment of taxes on each proprietor of the
meeting house in the North Congregational Society in
Bloomfield with a view of making an equal and final payment
for our meeting-house :
Bement, Ebenezer
Beach, Thomas
Brace, Reuben -
Brace, Joseph -
Boughton, Nath'l
Berry, John and seat
mate - - - -
Boughton, Levi and seat
mate - - - -
and mates
Brooks, Zerah -
Boughton, Asahel
Boughton, John
Boughton, Abm' -
Brace, John - - -
Boughton, Deforest
Brooks, Michael
Brace, Elisha -
Boughton, Seymour (2d) 2 76
Bough ton, Claud i us V.
Boughton, Jared
Coan, Elisha - -
Coton, Andrew -
Dryer, Simeon - -
Dryer. Rufus - -
Dickinson, Nath'l O.
Evarts. Isaac T. - -
Griswold, Solomon -
Hart, Jabez - - - -
$5 18
1 46
2 51
3 97
1 72
1 33
7 39
1 09
- 9i
2 18
5 48
1 46
■ 9i
2 66
■ 3 32
2 y6
1 33
3 30
2 64
2 64
- 1 72
1 19
3 42
1 62
1 46
3 00
Hull, Jeremiah - -
$2 51
Hawley, Thomas - -
Hart, Harvey - - -
1 88
Hawley, Abner - - -
3 33
Haney, John - - -
1 19
Hathaway, Isaac - -
2 64
Ingersoll, Erastus -
• 565
Ingersoll, Elihu
1 22
Ingersoll, Thomas -
■ 2 18
Low, George - • -
3 30
Lobdell, Jacob - - -
3 76
Lusk, David
4 H
Moore, Asahel - - -
1 46
Moorehouse, Josiah - -
6 74
Marsh, Isaac - - -
3 36
Perry, Peter - - -
1 72
Perkins, Sam'l R. - -
6 68
Pardy, Silas - -
2 00
Parmele, Reuben -
2 96
Perkins, Joseph -
-2 66
Root, Asa - - - -
3 33
Root, Isaac - - -
6 12
Rowley, Joseph - -
2 64
Rowley, Jirah - - -
3 36
Smith, Nicholas - -
2 44
Scudder, Jesse, Eleazer
Boughton - -
3 56
Stone, Ebenezer - - -
1 62
Seymour, Ira, Jr. - -
1 19
$3 56
Thrall, Joseph - - -
$3 12
2 00
Turner, Nathl - -
- 3 56
Upton, James - -
- 648
Willmarth, Ezra - -
- 3 32
2 96
Williams, Abijah -
3 o5
1 22
Willmarth, Gersham
- 2 00
1 22
Williams, Elisha -
- 2 18
Willard, Urana - -
- 2 64
3 30
May, Charles -
- I 22
Scudder, Ezekiel -
Jackson, William -
Turner, Peter, paid by
wheat, yet owe for
wheat -
Turner, Peter Jr.,
Turner, Lyman -
Turner, Solomon, paid
by P.Turner -
I have not corrected the spelling for fear of destroying
the likeness in this copy to the original document. This
paper is also in the possession of Mr. R. R. Moore.
There is no date upon the above mentioned roll, and I
therefore add the copy of a deed given by John Berry to
Abijah Williams at a later date than the assessment roll.
John Berry owned a pew when the assessment roll
was made out, and his name is on the roll. Subse-
quently he sold his pew to Abijah Williams. This places
the date of the assessment roll previous to that of this deed.
The deed is dated May 5, 1813, and is as follows:
Know all men by these presents, that I, John Berry?
of Victor, in the county of Ontario, and State of New York,
have sold, conveyed and confirmed unto Abijah Williams,
of the same town, county and State aforesaid, the northwest
corner pew in the body of the meeting-house known by the
Proprietor's Meeting-house in Victor, or such part of said
pew as I paid for towards it, together with all the privileges
belonging thereunto, to warrant, secure and defend against
the claims and demands of any person or persons whatso-
ever ; in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
seal this fifth day of May, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and thirteen.
John Berry. [seal|
Samuel Berry.
It was this ownership of the pews, thus deeded from
party to party, that subsequently as late as 1 828-1 830, led to
the claim on the part of certain parties, who had acquired
title to a few of the pews, to the right to use the meeting-
house a part of the time for religious services foreign to
the worship of the Congregational Society ; on the other
hand the trustees and society refused to admit the claim and
maintained such attitude until they had built and moved
into their new church, which was dedicated in 1833.
The old church was then taken possession of by the
Universalists. It has been claimed that the property was
duly purchased from the Presbyterians, but I am not aware
that such transfer was actually made, or that any such deed
was ever executed or recorded. 1 am imformed that the
Presbyterians let the whole matter go by default.
Among other documents are the Church Records,
beginning with the first ecclesiastical council which met for
the purpose of installing Rev. Reuben Parmele, Feb. 13,
1799. These records are complete and interesting in their
bearing upon the history of the church.
There is also a plan of the pews of the old church,
bearing the date April 7, 1809, subsequent to the building
of the church. Another document connected with the
history of the old church, is the deed of land given by
Thomas Hawley to the proprietors, or pew-holders, of the
church. The deed is given to those who owned pews at the
time it was drawn. It bears as late a date as October 1, 1818
showing that the promise of Mr. Hawley to deed the land
was not fulfilled until a number of years after the church
was built. This deed was not recorded until September 13,
There were names added to the deed between the date
of execution and recording, due to new comers purchasing
The parties named in this deed, and their families,
were attendants upon the Congregational church at the
time, and most of their families were represented on the roll
of church members.
"This indenture, made the first day of October, 1818.
between Thomas Hawley, of the town of Victor, in the
county of Ontario, and State of New York, of the first part,
and Elihu Ingersoll, Jirah Rowley, Joseph Rowley, Thomas
Ingersoll, David Lusk, James Upton, Dinah Brooks, Elisha
Coan, Asahel Boughton. George Low, Lora Davis, the heirs
of Joseph Thrall, deceased, Isaac Marsh, Isaac Root,
Abraham Boughton, John Brace, DeForest Boughton,
Nathaniel Turner, Ira Seymour, Jr., Gersham Wilmarth,
Silas Pardy, the heirs of Elisha Brace, dead, Ezekiel Scudder,
Joseph Perkins, Solomon Turner, Peter Perry, Ebenezer
Bement, Erastus Ingersoll, the heirs of Nicholas Smith,
deceased, Elisha Williams, Ezra Wilmarth, the heirs of
Peter Turner, deceased, Timothy Williams, the heirs of
Jesse Scudder, deceased, Thomas Beach, Enos Gillis,
Samuel Gillis, Isaac Simmons, Reuben W. Brace, Asa
Root, Jeremiah Hull, the heirs of Joseph Brace, deceased,
Asahel Moore, Samuel R. Perkins, Jabez Felt, Nathaniel
Boughton. Abraham Bronson, Abijah Williams, Thomas
Hawley, Solomon Griswold, Abner Hawley, Jabez Hart,
Harvey Hart, Joanna Marsh, William Jackson, Eleazer
Boughton, Rufus Dryer, Claudius V. Boughton, the heirs
of Seymour Boughton, deceased, the heirs of Seymour
Boughton, Jr., deceased, Jacob Lobdell, Reuben Parmele,
Andrew Colton, Asahel Lusk, Jared Boughton, Isaac
Hathaway, Harvey Bement, Edwin Bement, Lucy Boughton,
Jonathan Smith, Simeon Parks, Samuel Rawson, the heirs
of Urana Willard, deceased, Nathaniel O. Dickinson, Silas
Thayer, Manley Hawley, Erie Hawley, Alice Boughton,
Harvey Boughton, Silas Barnes, and John Hughes, all of
the county and State aforesaid, of the second part, wit-
nesseth : The said party of the first part for and in
consideration of the sum of sixteen dollars, to him in hand
paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt
whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, hath
granted, bargained, sold, remised, released, aliened and
confirmed, and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell,
remise, release, alien and confirm unto the said party of the
second part and to theirs and assigns forever, all that certain
piece or parcel of land situate in town of Victor aforesaid
or township No. 1 1 in the 4th range of township, and bounded
as follows, viz: Beginning at a maple stump in the
highway a few rods easterly from the now dwelling house of
Thomas Beach ; thence running north jo° west four
chains and seventy links to a stake; thence north 90 east
four chains and fifty links to a stake ; thence south jj°
east four chains and fifty links to a maple tree ; thence south
nine degrees west, five chains and ten links to the place of
beginning ; containing two acres and one rood of land, it
being the plot of ground on which the meeting-house in said
town of Victor stands ; together with all and singular the
hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in
any wise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions,
remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof,
and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand,
whatsoever, of the said party of the first part, either in law
or equity of, in and to the above bargained premises, with
the said heriditaments and appurtanences, to have and to
hold the said premises above described ; to the said party
of the second part, their heirs and assigns, being proprietors
of said meeting-house. And the said party of the first part
for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, doth covenant,
grant, bargain and agree to, and with the said party of the
second part, their heirs and assigns, that at the time of the
ensealing and delivery of these presents, he is well seized
of the premises above conveyed, as of a good, sure, perfect,
absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance, in the law,
in fee simple, and that the above bargained premises in the
quiet and peaceable possession of the said party of the
second part, his heirs and assigns, against all and every
person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the whole
or any part thereof, he will forever warrant and defend,
excepting the said party's of the first part legal share as a
proprietor in the before described premises. In witness
whereof the said party of the first part hath hereunto set
his hand and seal, the day and year first above written.
Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of William
Bushnell. Thomas Hawley, [Seal.]
William H. Harris.
State of New York — Ontario County— ss. : Be it
remembered that on the 10th day of October, 18 18, came
before me, Jared Boughton, one of the commissioners
appointed to take the acknowledgment of Deeds, etc., in and
for said county, Thomas Hawley, and acknowledged the
within instrument, to be his voluntary act and deed, and
that he signed sealed and delivered the same to and for the
uses and purposes therein mentioned, and I, knowing the said
Thomas Hawley, and that he is the person described in and
who executed the said instrument, and having examined
the same instrument, and finding therein no erasures nor
any interlineations excepting the words of the first part
between the second and third lines from the top of the last
page, do allow the same to be recorded.
Jared Boughton,
A true copy of the original recorded June 13th, 1825, at
4 o'clock, P. M.
Rolph Lester,
Deputy Clerk.
State OF New York— Ontario County Clerk's office,
Canandaigua, March 10th, 1856 — I, John I. Lyon, clerk of
said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true
copy of an original deed, now on record in said office, in
book 43, page 439, and having compared the same with said
original do find it to be a true copy thereof and of the
whole of said original.
Given under my hand and seal of said county the day
and year to this certificate above written.
John I. Lyon,
Clerk of said county.
The names of the pew-holders at the time this deed was
given are found in the deed. It will be seen that the follow-
ing heirs represented their parents deceased, (these parents
represented themselves on the tax list which is of much
older date than this deed.)
The heirs of Joseph Thrall.
" " Elisha Brace.
" " Nicholas Smith.
" " " Peter Turner.
" " " Jesse Scudder.
" " " Joseph Brace.
" " " Seymour Boughton.
" " Urana Willard.
" " " Seymour Boughton, Jr., (neither he nor
his heirs are mentioned in the tax list,)
Dinah Brooks represents, in the deed, her husband,
( Zerah) deceased, whose name appears upon the tax list.
The following names that appear on the tax list, do
not appear in the deed showing that their pews havre changed
John Berry sold out as per deed, to Abijah Williams,
Levi Boughton, Michael Brooks, John Boughton, Ebenezer
Stone, Peter Turner, Jr., Lyman Turner, Charles May,
Simeon Dryer, Isaac T. Evarts, John Haney, Josiah More-
The following names appear for the first time, in the
Lora Davis, Timothy Williams, Enos Gillis, Samuel
Gillis, Isaac Simmons, Jabez Felt, Abraham Bronson, Joanna
Marsh, Eleazer Boughton, Asahel Lusk, Harvey Bement,
Edwin Bement, Lucy Boughton, Jonathan Smith, Simeon
Parks, Samuel R. Rawrson, Silas Thayer, Manley Hawley,
Erie Hawley, Alice Boughton, Harvey Boughton, Silas
Barnes, John Hughes.
• Some of these names that appear in the deed, but not
on the tax list, undoubtedly represent their parents whose
names are. on the tax list, and they dead when the deed was
drawn. Others whose names appear for the first time in
the deed, were new comers who had bought their pews
subsequently to the date of the tax list.
All this shows the usual changes going on in the buy-
ing and selling, and occupancy of pews in every church.
Change of Name.
At a special term of the Supreme Court, held at the
Court House, in the Village of Canandaigua, in and for the
County of Ontario, N. Y., on the 19th day of May, A. D.,
1888. Present: Hon. Wm. H. Adams, Justice, Supreme
Court, Ontario County. In the matter of the Application
of the North-East Congregational Society, in the town of
Bloomfield, in the County of Ontario and State of New
York, also commonly known as the First Congregational
Society of the Town of Victor, for a change of name to the
" First Presbyterian Church in Victor." An application
having been made at this Special Term of the Supreme
Court of the County of Ontario and State of New York, by
the above petitioner herein, the North-East Congregational
Society in the Town of Bloomfield, in the County of Ontario
and State of New York, also commonly known as "The
First Congregational Society of the Town of Victor," for
an order of this Court authorizing it, the said petitioner, to
assume a new corporate name. Now, on reading the
petition, therefor herein duly verified on the 27th day of
March, 1888, by Willis D. Newton, and heretofore filed in
the office of the Clerk of the County of Ontario, on the 29th
day of March, 1888, and it appearing and it being satis-
factorily proven to this Court, therefrom and thereby —
1st. That said petitioner is not a corporate body such
as is- excepted and excluded from the provisions of Chapter
322 of the Laws of 1870, and the various Legislative acts
amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto, but is a
corporate religious body, organized under and pursuant to
the Laws of the State of New York, and is within the intent
purpose and provisions of said Laws, and the amendatory
and supplemental acts thereof and thereto .
2d. That said Willis D. Newton, the person verifying
said petition, is the chief officer of said corporation.
3d. That such corporation, said petitioner, has no
distinct office for the transaction of its busines other than
such corporate business is legally and regularly transacted
at the church property of said petitioner.
4th. That the principal corporate property of said
petitioner is situate at Victor in said County of Ontario and
State of New York.
5th. And it further appearing that this application is
made in pursuance of a resolution of the Board of Trustees
of said petitioner; and further, that such resolution was
passed pursuant to and upon the request of, the membership
of said body corporate, manifested and expressed at a
regular annual meeting thereof, held at the church on the
2 1st day of November, 1887.
6th. And it being proven satisfactorily to this Court,
by said verified petition and the papers therein referred to
and thereto annexed, and therewith filed and presented, that
the present corporate name of said petitioner, the North
East Congregational Society, in the Town of Bloomfield, in
the County of Ontario and State of New York, by reason
of the change of circumstances and surroundings in said
petition particularly and fully set forth, has become a
misnomer, and is misleading, incongruous and inconvenient,
and worthless for the purpose for which it was originally
assumed and accepted, and that its character and location
will be more correctly and effectually designated by the
change of its present corporate name to the proposed new-
corporate name, the "First Presbyterian Church in Victor,"
and it further appearing to the satisfaction of the Court,
that there is no other body, corporate or otherwise, in said
Town of Victor, by such name, or understood to be the
same as, or similar to, such new corporate name.
7th. And this Court being satisfied by said verified
petition that there is no reasonable objection to such cor-
poration changing its corporate name, to said new corporate
8th, And it appearing to the satisfaction of this Court,
that notice of the time when, and place where, such appli-
cation would be made, has been duly given by the publi-
cation of a notice thereof once in each week for six weeks in
the Ontario County Times, a newspaper published weekly
at Canandaigua, Ontario County, N. Y., such County being
the County in which said corporation is situate and has its
corporate property and in which County the trustees thereof
reside, and that such notice has been also published once
in each week for six weeks in the Ontario County Times,
a newspaper published in Canandaigua, Ontario County, N.
Y., and being one of the newspapers within said County
duly authorized to publish the Session Laws therein, having
been heretofore duly designated for such purpose, as appears
from the proof of such publication thereof, which said
publication being hereby declared sufficient, and publication
thereof in any other paper or papers being hereby dispensed
Now, on reading such verified petition, and the papers
therein referred to and thereto annexed, and on reading and
filing the notice of the time when and place whSre, this
application would be made, and on reading and filing the
proof of the due publication thereof, and on motion of Mark
T. Powell, of counsel for said petitioner, no one appearing
in opposition thereto.
It is ORDERED: That the prayer of the petitioner be,
and the same is, hereby granted.
It is FURTHER ORDERED: That the said petitioner, the
said North-East Congregational Society in the Town of
Bloomfield in the County of Ontario and State of New York
be, and hereby is, authorized to change its said corporate
name, and in place and stead thereof, to assume on the 25th
day of June, 1888, and thereafter be known by and use, as
its legal corporate name, the proposed new corporate name
of, the " First Presbyterian Church in Victor."
And it is FURTHER ORDERED : That this order be pub-
lished once in'each week for four weeks prior to said 25th
day of June 1888, in the Victor Herald, a weekly newspaper
published at Victor, Ontario County, New York, which
paper is hereby designated for such purpose.
And it is FURTHER ORDERED: That a copy of this
order shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of Sate of
the State of New York, and that this order be filed in the
office of the Clerk of the County of Ontario.
Filed 21st May, 1888.— M. H. Smith, Clerk.
State OF New York, Ontario County Clerk's Office,
Canandaigua, N. Y., — I, Martin H. Smith, Clerk of the
County of Ontario, of the County Court of said County, and
and of the Supreme Court, both being Courts of Record,
having a common seal, do hereby certify, that I have com-
pared the annexed copy of order with the original on file
and entered in this office, and that the same is a correct
transcript therefrom and of the whole of said original.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto affixed the seal of
said County and Courts, this [L. S.] 21st day of
May. A. D. 1888.
Mark T. Poweell, Clerk.
Att'y for Petitoner, Canandaigua, N. Y.
Roll of Pastors and Time of Service.
REV. Reuben Parmele organized the society, September
13, 1798, and completed the organization and was
installed its first pastor - Feb. 13, 1799, to May 5, 1812
Rev. Philander Parmele, . May 5. 1812, to Dec. 28, 1814
Ebenezer Raymond - - Nov. 10, '19, to April 6,
Jabez Spicer, S. S.. - Jan. 1, '26, to Jan. 30,
Daniel Johnson, - - Sept. 7, '28, to Dec. 29,
Richard Kay, - - June-*-, '32, to Nov. 12,
Jairus Wilcox - - Nov. 6, '36, to Jan. 14,
Charles E. Furman, - - June 20, '38, to April — ,
Charles Mervvin, - - April 20, '46, to Aug. 7,
C. Van H. Powell, - Jan. 6, '50, to March 2,
Calvin Waterbury, - July 8, '51, to Aug. 15,
Charles C. Carr, - - Jan. 7. 's6, to Oct. 20,
Job Pierson, D. D., - - Dec. 15, '56, to Sept. 27,
William H.Webb,D.D. - Dec. 6, '63, to Oct. 22,
Gideon P.Nich'ols,D.D. - May — , '66, to Aug, 8,
Henry T. Miller, - - June 1, '71, to June 1,
William B. Marsh, - Dec, 7, '73- t0 Nov. 22,
Robert Ennis, - - Feb. 12, '76, to Aug. 5,
Thomas Earl Babb, - Feb. 3, '78, to June 3,
Clarence W. Backus - July 1, "84, to
Roll of Deacons.
Isaac Root,
Abijah Williams,
Simeon Parks,
William Parmele,
John Wells,
Belden Seymour,
Nathan Jenks,
Marcus A. Norton,
Samuel Tallmadge
Albert Simonds,
D. Henry Osborne,
James F. Draper, M. D.
May 31, 1804 to March 14, [816
July 10, '12, died March— '40
March 14, '16, to Nov. 27, '22
Feb. 8, '27, to Oct. 1. '35
- May 30, '28, to May 5, '44
Oct. 4, '32, to March 8, '58
Oct. 4, '32, to Nov. 13, '37
Nov. 20, '37, died Nov. I, '70
May 22, '44, died Apr. 7, '63
March 8, '58, now in office
April 7 '63,
April 1 '88,
Roll of Elders.
William Parmele, -
Alvah Dickinson,
John Mosher,
William Bushnell, -
Waitsell Dickinson,
Jasper W. Peet,
Samuel Tallmadge,
March 25, 1827, to Oct. 1, 1835
March 25, '27, to Sept. 20, '32
- Jan. 11, '29, to Mar. 12, '30
Jan. 11. '29, to Sept. 20, '32
March 7, '30, to Oct. 4, '35
March 7, '30, to Sept. 20, '32
Sept. 19, '30, to Nov. 13, '^y
(After the adoption of Presbyterian government,
March 8, 1858.)
Samuel Tallmadge,
Albert Simonds,
George W. Farnham,
D. Henry Osborne,
Salmon Gorsline,
Hiram Parks,
Hiram Swezey,
April 4, 1858, died April 7, 1863
" still living and an elder
- " " " to April 29, 1866
' u " still living and an elder
" " " to July 12, 1865
April 4, '58, died Feb. 16, '76
June 24, '60, to July ,22 '82
John Brown
James H. Reeve, - - -
Darius L. Covill, - - -
James F. Draper, M. D , -
Stephen J. Tallmadge, -
Stafford, S. Lusk, - - -
William A. Higinbotham,
C. Lewis Simonds,
Dec. 19, '66, to March 17, '67
Oct. 2, '68, died Sept. 9, '81
April 1 1, '75, to Jan. 28, 'yj
April 11, '75, to June 4, '80
May 10. '85, now in office
R01.1. of Trustees.
Jared Boughtcn, Sept. 13. 1798.) Trustees under original
Joseph Brace Jr., ■ f act of incorporation.
1 nomas Hawley,
Abijah Williams,
Ebenezer Bements,
Erastus Ingersoll,
Thomas Beach, M. D.
Abraham Boughton,
Trustees under re-incorporation,
Dec. 2, 181 1, for the purpose of
changing the title to the North
East Congregational Society in
town of Bloomfield,
(The record between the above and 1836, is missing.)
Date of first No. of
election . terms
J. T. Hollister, 1836,
Hiram Parks, '^7, 3
Frederick, A. Hart, '38, 3
(October 11, 1839 No. of
trustees increased to 5.)
Nathan Jenks, 1839, l
Harmon VanVechten, '39 1
Alvin Parks, '40, 2
Melancthon Lewis, '40,
Albert Simonds, '41
Samuel Tallmadge '41
Rufus Seymour, 42
Abiram L. Peet, '42,
Hiram Seymour, '43,
William Moore, '43,
Otis Dryer, '44,
Jasper W. Peet, '44,
Wm. P. Hawkins, '44,
John Eckler, '44,
Philo Parks, '45,
Marcus A. Norton, '46,
Peter Perry, '46,
Thos. K. Embry, '46,
Frederick Fox, '47,
John Smith Jones, '47,
D. Henry Osborne, '58,
William Gullap, '68,
Orrin S. Bacon, '71,
Darius L. Covill, 'jt,.
David Clark, « 74,
Edwin S. Norton, 'jy,
Marvin A. Wilbur, '79,
Albert B. Simonds, '79,
John VanVechten, '80,
Stafford S. Lusk, '84,
Wm. B. Osborne' '84,
Willis D. Newton, '87,
The Board of Trustees in i!
Willis D. Newton, President,
Orrin S, Bacon, j John VanVechten,
Marvin A. Wilbur, William B. Osborne,
The Session in 1888.
Rev. C. W. Backus, Moderator,
Elders -Albert Simonds,
D. Henry Osborn,
Stephen J. Tallmadge.
Stafford S. Lusk,
William A. Higinbotham,
C. Lewis Simonds.
Deacons in 1888,
Albert Simonds,
D. Henry Osborne, James F. Draper, M. D.
♦••£=- —
Roll of Members from the Organization of the
Church in 1799. Arranged according to
date of admission, with the names of
the Pastors under whom
they united.
United at the organization
of the church February 13,
1799, Rev. Reuben Par-
MELE, pastor:
Jabez Morehouse.
Elizabeth Morehouse.
wife of Jabez .
Elisha Perkins.
Mehitable Perkins.
wife of Elisha.
Abijah Williams.
Mrs. Thomas Hawley.
Jemima Brace,
wife of Joseph.
Samuel Boughton.
Reuben Hart, M. D.
Joseph Brace.
Asa Hickox, Jr.
Polly Hickox.
Thomas Hawley.
Benjamin Wilson.
Deborah Perkins,
Huldah Hart,
wife of Dr. Reuben.
Eunice Williams,
wife of Abijah.
Ira Seymour.
Jerusha Seymour,
wife of Ira.
Joseph Rowley,
By letter from Charlestown, Mass.
Anna Rowley,
wife of Joseph .
Laura Parmele,
wife Rev. Reuben, 1. fr, Goshen, Ct.
Peter Turner,
by 1. fr. West Stockbridge Mass.
Mindwell Turner,
wife of Peter.
Lucy Ketchum,
wife of Joshua.
Samuel Stone,
Mrs. Samuel Stone,
Isaac Root,
Mary Root,
Wife of Isaac, by letter from West
Laura Parmele,
daughter of Rev. Reuben.
Mrs. Samuel Boughton.
Eleanor Boughton,
by letter from Canaan. Conn.
Mrs. Elisha Coan.
by letter from West Stockbridge.
Margaret Hawley,
wife of Capt. Abner.
Aaron Bailey,
Mrs. Aaron Bailey.
Jemima Hart,
wife of Jabez.
Esther Marsh,
Elizabeth Rowley,
wife of Jirah.
Widow Gould.
181 1
Sibyl Rowley,
Rhoda Turner,
Melania Boughton,
by letter from Providence R. I.
Erastus Ingersoll,
Rev. Abiel Parmele,
Isaac Perkins,
Roxey Ingersoll,
wife of Thomas.
Eliplia Beach.
wife of Thomas Beach, M. D.
Aunt Fally who organized the first
Sabbath School.
Mrs, Betsey Griswold,
wife of Solomon.
Susan Hall,
Rev. Philander Parmele,
May 5th, 1 8 12.
Lydia West,
Abigail Parmele,
wife of Rev. Phil'r, 1 f r Killing-worth
Selina Coan,
Simeon Hart,
by letter from Pompey
Mrs. Simeon Hart.
Lucretia Hart,
their daughter.
Timothy B. Applin,
by letter from Cazenovia, N. Y.
Anna Green,
by letter from Sheldon .
Samuel Boughton,
by letter from Scipio.
Lucy Boughton,
wife of Samuel .
Esther Wallingford,
by letter from Waterford, N. Y.
Gilbert Saxton,
Polly (Mary) Morehouse,
by letter from Manlius.
Solomon Griswold,
Mrs. Daniel Chapin,
by letter from Cazenovia, N. Y.
Simeon Boughton.
Betsey Boughton,
wife of Claudius Victor.
Simeon Parks,
by letter from Seipio
Abigail Parks,
wife of Simeon.
Daniel Chapin,
by letter from Cazenovia
James Campbell,
by letter from Florida, N. Y.
Mrs. Elizabeth Simmons,
rec'd and bap'd with her household.
Rev. Reuben Parmele in
charge from Jan. I, i8i5,to
Nov. 10, 1819.
Sarah Beach,
wife of Samuel, by 1 f r Camden, N. J
Rhoda Macumber,
by 1. fr. Richmond.
Mary Hays.
Persis Turner.
John Grow, Jr.
Mrs. John Grow, Jr.
William Parmele,
Lucy May,
John Grow. Sr.
by letter from Dansville, Vt.
Mrs. John Grow, Sr.
Hannah Voorhies,
wife of George, from Charlestown.
George Voorhies,
Mary Hart,
wife of Harvey.
Theodosia Jackson,
Eunice Boughton,
Ansel Rowley,
Frederick A. Hart,
Sylvia Hart,
witi' of Frederick A .
Joseph Hosford,
Jonathan Smith.
Mrs. Jonathan Smith,
Ansel Perkins,
Betsey Perkins,
wife of Ansel
Lavina Rowley,
Electa Bushnell.
by 1. fr. Richland: wife of Barnet B.
Deborah Grow,
Abigal Wilmarth,
by letter from Westford.
Jotham J. Barnes,
Lavina Barnes,
wife of Jotham .
Esther Barret,
wife of Amasa.
Lucretia Rowley,
Mary Hosford,
Catharine Lane,
Charles Monford ,
by letter from B. Ridge, N.J.
Artelicia Dryer,
Sylvia Rowley,
Robert Gillis,
by letter from Argyle, N V
Mrs. James Powell,
from Clinton, NY.
Amasa Barret,
Apama Dickinson,
wife of Nathaniel < »
Abigail Wadkins,
by letter from Cazenovia
Anna Rowley,
wife of Joseph, Jr.
John Wells,
by letter from Mavneh'
Reuben Smith,
by letter from Cazenovia.
Mrs. Reuben Smith,
Mrs. Van tile,
by letter from Salem.
Mrs. Isaac Hathaway.
Mrs. Elizabeth Corey,
by letter from Cazenovia.
Jacob Lane,
by letter from Charlestown.
Nancy Wells,
wife of John.
Dinah Boughton,
by letter from West Stockbridge .
Ebenezer Parsons,
Hannah Parsons,
wife of Ebenezer, Genoa.
Catharine Parmele,
by letter from Phelps
Rev. Ebenezer Raymond,
from November 10, 1 8 19, to
April 6, 1825.
Mrs. Lydia Raymond.
Mrs. Polly Brunson,
by letter from Penfield
Mrs. Robbins.
Betsey Smith,
by letter from Cazenovia.
Ira Hart,
by letter from Stockbridge.
Michael Fredricks,
Mrs. Jane Furgerson.
Sally Beach,
John Bushnell,
Ruth Bushnell,
wife of John .
James Bushnell,
Clarissa Bushnell,
wife of James .
Waitstell Dickinsonr
Catharine Dickinson
wife of Waitstell.
Hezekiah Ford,
Hannah Ford,
wife of Hezekiah.
Hannah Ford,
their daughter.
Celestia N. Ford,
Adelisa Crocker,
Sibyl Bigford,
Elizabeth Smith,
(Mrs. Hilton).
Polly Heron.
Alvah Dickinson,
Amanda Dickinson,
wife of Alvah.
Clarissa Peck,
w. of Harry, by 1. fr. E. Hartford C .
Abigail Horton,
Phidelia Perkins,
Ruth Delano.
Rev. Jabez Spicer, S. S.,
from Jan. 1,1826, to Jan. 30,
Joanna Ingersoll,
wife of Stephen.
Rev. Reuben Parmele ex-
ercising general supervis-
ion from Feb. 1, 1827, to
Sept. 7, 1828.
Mrs. Abigail Parmele,
by letter from Phelps.
John Mosher,
by letter from Union Village, N. Y.
William Grimes,
by letter from Manchester.
Mary Grimes,
wife of William .
.Seth C. Parmele,
Harriet Parmele,
wife of Seth .
Sarah Mosher,
wife of John.
Almon Ford,
Sinai Ford,
wife of Almon. by 1 . f r . Portland, Me
William Bushnell,
Joseph Perkins,
Jasper W. Peet.
Ira Dickinson,
Anna Dickinson,
wife of Ira.
Cindaiilla Jones,
Rev. Daniel Johnson, pas-
tor from Sept. 7, 1828. to
December 29, 1831.
Mary Weston,
Mrs. Ann Decker.
Apama Dickinson,
Mrs Hiram Parks.
Mrs. Persis Payne,
Mrs. Laura Mosher,
Mrs. Polly Sheldon.
Mrs. Electa A. Peet,
Josiah Tallmadge,
Mrs. Josiah Tallmadge,
Samuel Tallmadge,
Mrs. Samuel Tallmadge,
William J. Wells,
Mary Ann Goodrich,
wife of Benjamin D.
Mary Hickox,
Eunice Smith,
Hannah Mosher,
by letter from Clyde
Mrs. Harriet Chaterden.
Belden Seymour,
Pierpont Seymour,
Simeon Johnsoni
Mrs. Lois Peet.
Mrs. Simeon Johnson,
Rachel Bradley,
Elizabeth Van Arnam.
Mrs. Nellie Inman,
Ephraim Johnson,
Mrs. Oliver Peck,
Samuel Johnson,
Satira Dickinson,
Cynthia Dickinson,
Hannah Bortle,
James M. Campbell,
Mary Eve Campbell,
wife of James.
Mary Dickinson,
Mrs. Jane Jenks,
Mrs. Sylvia Williams,
Electa Hubbell,
Mrs. Albert Simonds.
Mrs. Ann P. Walling,
Mary M. Peet,
Laura Mosher,
Benjamin D. Goodrich,
Rev. Bostic Perkins,
Dr. Doroner,
by letter from Palmyra, N. Y.
Mrs. Clarissa Walker,
Catharine Vanbergen,
Catharine Dickinson,
Eliza Dickinson,
Mrs. Delano,
Lorin Root,
Sally Root,
wife of Lorin.
Parmelia Chadwick,
Mary Johnson,
Samuel Palmer,
Polly Palmer,
wife of Samuei.
Lydia Turner.
Rev. Reuben Parmele, and
supplies, with the church
from January I, 1832, to
January 24, 1833.
Rufus Seymour,
Mrs. Rufus Seymour.
Richard Butterfield,
Charity Butterfield,
wife of Richard.
Marana Turner,
Nathan Jenks,
Orrin Olmstead,
Mrs. Eunice Rawson,
Luther Williams,
Submit Grimes,
Jerusha Palmer,
Alvah Inman,
Martha Ann Turner,
Robinson Ormsby,
Cornelia E. Northrup,
Clarissa Ormsby,
wife of Robinson,
Mary L. Seymour.
Rev. Richard Kay pastor
from January 24, 1833 to
November 12, 1835.
Benjamin D. Turner,
Julia Turner.
Mrs. Lucy Pullen,
Mrs. Ann Look,
Asenath Turner,
David Raymond,
Laura Raymond,
wife of David.
Clarissa Raymond.
Joshua Raymond,
Sylvester Harris,
John Turner,
Theron Chadwick,
Asa Root,
Solomon Turner,
Maria Dunning,
Maria Chadwick,
Lucina Root.
Eunice Boughton.
Harvey Hart,
Mrs. Asa Root,
Augusta Peet,
Mary Ann Wallingford,
Vashti Grimes,
Miles Lowell,
Marcus A. Norton,
Margaret Norton,
wife of Marcus A .
Mrs. Margaret Wheeler,
Henry Seymour,
Mary Seymour,
wife of Henry.
Olive Porter,
Mariett Rawson,
Mi's. Webster, Missionary to Bom-
bay, India.
Betsey Raymond,
Trowbridge Benedict,
Betsey Benedict,
wffe of Trowbridge.
Mrs Mary Ann Kay.
Stephen Collier,
Emeline Collier,
wife of Stephen
Mrs. Sophia Smith,
Martha Seymour,
wife of Belden.
Mary Root,
Mrs. Nancy Groff,
Mary Parmele,
Elizabeth Raymond,
Mrs. Lucinda Dryer,
Mary Dryer,
Mrs. Peet.
Caroline Moore,
Julia Witham,
John Delano,
William Smith,
Stephen Ingersoll,
Isaac P. Hollister,
Ellen Hollister,
wife of Isaac P.
Sarah Rapeljie,
Mrs. Mindwell Delano.
Samantha Raymond,
Hiram Seymour.
Cornelia Ellis,
Mrs. Mary Hart,
William R. Seymour,
Hannah Snedaker, (Root)
by letter from Ewing
Israel Jacobs,
by letter from Clyde.
Mrs. Olive Colbraith.
by letter from Palmyra
Mrs. Sarah Embry,
Mrs. Jeanette Vandenbergh,
Mary Jane McCullough,
Elizabeth McCullough,
Rev. Jairus Wilcox Pastor
from November 6, 1836, to
January 14, 1838.
Hiram Parks,
Phebe Vandenbergh,
Cynthia Himnan.
Esther Wallingford,
wife of Jonathan.
Eunice Moore,
Mrs. Samuel Bartlett.
Esther Wallingford,
daughter of Jonathan (Mrs. Ga
lord Blair.)
Jane Parks,
Mrs. Van Rensselaer Griffin.
Charlotte M. Pullen,
Mrs. John Boug-hton, (Tinney)
Harriet M. Jenks,
Mrs. Dutcher.
Mrs Marian B. Seymour,
Deborah Boughton,
Peter Vandenbergh,
Albert Simonds,
Squire G. Beers,
Edward Hayes,
Abigail Hayes,
wife of Edward .
Milton Nelson,
Amy Nelson,
wife of Milton .
Harmon, Van Vechten,
Eve Van Vechten,
wife of Harmon.
Wynant Vandenbergh,
Sarah Vandenbergh,
wife of Wynant .
Philo Parks,
Phebe Parks,
wife of Philo.
Avery T Farnham,
Mrs. Lucian Moore,
Angeline Moore,
Mrs. Keith.
Parmelia Ingersoll,
Eunice Hart,
Jane A. Decker,
Mrs. James Sizer,
Celia Thompson,
Mrs. Betsey Boughton,
Caroline Boughton,
Mrs. William Gallup.
Julia Norton,
Lucia A. Tallmadge,
Mrs. Beebe.
Ann M. Snedaker,
Julia M. Buell,
Mrs. Walter B. Titus.
Mary Ann Buell,
George Eddy,
Temperance H. Eddy,
wife of George.
Thomas Eddy,
Thomas Flynn.
Rev. Charles E. Furman,
Pastor from June 20, 1838,
to April — 1846, and was
in charge of pulpit from
the 1st, Sabbath in March
of 1838.
Mrs. Eliza Mayo,
Mrs. Amelia Hummel,
M. A. Wallingford.
Mrs. Anna Bushnell,
Mrs. Raymond,
Rev. J. W. Wood,
by letter from Hamilton, Canada .
Zaccheus P. Gillette,
Clarrington Mayo,
Abel Fitch,
Henrietta Fitch,
Jonathan Wallingford,
Gideon Shaw,
Sarah Shaw,
Stephen J. Tallmadge,
Abigail Jane Tallmadge,
Mrs. Pixley, (Shepherd,)
Marcia Maria Tallmadge,
Mrs. Rathfon.
Sarah Ann Van Vechten,
Mrs. Stephen J. Tallmadge,
Rebecca Ann Van Vechten,
Mrs. William Conover,
Dow Fonda Vandenberg,
Sarah Jane Vandenberg,
Hiram Chadwick,
Miranda M. Chadwick,
Seneca Boughton,
James Henry Young,
Sarah Wells,
Mrs. John S. Gillis,
Sophia Hart,
Martha Hart,
Mrs. Robert Gillis.
Betsey Riddle,
Julia Foster Smalley,
Cyrus B.Rawson,
William Jones,
Rachel Maria Peet,
Mrs. Harriet Boughton,
Eliza Boughton,
Laura Maria Lovejoy,
Alvan Parks,
Martha Wood,
John Smith,
Elizabeth Smith,
Henr}^ B. Jenks,
Cyrus Jenks,
H. E. J. Furman,
wife of Rev. C. E.
Catherine Jay,
Benjamin Freeman,
Sarah Maria Bement,
Mrs. Squire Beers.
Andrew J. Decker.
Jane Lawrence,
Mrs. Stephen Blood.
Alphonzo Lawrence.
Mrs. Parmelia Tallmadge,
Mrs. Elizabeth Perkins.
Catharine J. Gillis,
wife of Enos.
Jane Pullen,
Mrs. Center Bushnell.
Daniel Dryer, Sr.
Jeannette VanVleek,
Christiana West,
wife of George.
1 84I
Rufus Seymour,
Ruth Seymour,
wife of Rufus.
Delia Seymour,
their daughter.
Giles T. Arnold,
Iris Arnold,
wife of Giles T.
Azuba Benton,
John Pixlev,
VanRensselaer Conover,
Mary K. Snedaker,
Reuben Mosher,
John A. Gillis,
Joshua Holtam,
Isaac Hart,
William Fuller,
George N. West,
Abiram L. Peet,
Frederick Fox,
Jane Fox,
wife of Frederick.
James VanVleek,
Tunis Brizee,
Maria Brizee,
Philip H. Brizee,
William Collins,
Emily Collins,
William Moore,
Alma C. Moore,
Elizabeth VanVleek,
Mary VanVleek,
Harriet E. Hawkins,
Mrs. Wdliam Cole.
William P. Hawkins,
Abram Bramble,
Walter VanVechten,
Abner VanVleek,
Charles Seymour,
Augustus Root,
Eveline M. Vandenbergh,
Abbie E. Furman,
Mrs. Briggs.
Henry Benson,
Sally Benson,
Emily Hubbell,
Mrs. John Howard,
Robert Bruce Moore,
Thomas Turner,
Harriet Newell Hinman,
Otis Dryer,
Augustus F. Hart,
Didama Fitch,
Frances C. Fitch,
Harriet Robbins,
Susan A. Hickox,
Mary Boughton,
Lovina A. Bushnell,
Mrs. D. Henry Osborne.
Simon H. Veeder,
Polly Veeder,
Sabria M. Root,
Harriet Lacretia Hart,
Lucy Ann Moore,
Malvina Lucretia Hart,
Elizabeth McLean,
Elijah A. Webster,
Noah Root,
Susan Root,
Gilbert M. Raymond,
Giles S. Williams,
Matilda Williams,
Lucien R. Peet.
Ann M. Smith,
Minerva Wells.
Frances A. Peet,
Amanda Beers,
Angeline Morris,
Lydia Vandenbergh,
Ezra M. Peet,
John B. French,
Sophia Leland,
Eliza J. Benson,
Emily M. Moore,
Philena Dryer,
Phebe Markham,
George W. Clark,
Mary J. Preston,
Deborah Perkins,
Ira Root,
Asenath Root,
wife of Ira.
Enoch F. Hinman,
John Eckler,
Mary Eckler,
wife of John.
John D. Grow,
Electa Grow,
wife of John.
Mrs. Nancy Dryer,
Charles Curtis,
Mary Curtis,
wile of Charles.
James Bristol,
Lewis H. Fort,
Eveline Fort,
wife of Lewis.
Esther Humphrey,
wife of Rev. Mr. Stephens.
Mrs. Sarah Heath.
Rev. Charles M. Merwin,
Pastor from April 20, 1846,
to August 7, 1849.
Mrs. Sarah Raymond.
Mrs. Jane M. Boughton,
Mrs. Harriet B. Mayo,
Mrs. Sarah Vandenbergh,
Mrs. Mary Osborne,
Mrs. Ann Osborne,
D. Henry Osborne,
Caroline Simonds,
wife of Albert.
J. W. Palmer, M. D.
Mary Palmer,
wife of Dr. J. W.
Oliver Grow,
Parmelia Grow,
wife of Oliver
Mary Jane Grow,
Mrs. James Mills, Geneva.
Isaac Perkins,
Elizabeth Perkins,
wife of Isaac .
Mrs. Catharine Wells,
Peter Perry,
Cynthia Perry,
wife of Peter.
Mary Jenks,
Mrs. Frederick Sines.
Rev. C. Van H. Powell, S.
S. from January 6, 1850, to
March, 2, 185 1.
Cornelius Van Every,
Maria Van Every,
wife of Cornelius.
Cornelia A. VanEvery,
Wynant VanEvery,
Cornelius C. VanEvery,
Mrs. Susan Church,
Walter B. Titus.
Rev. Calvin Waterbury,
Pastor from July 8, 1851, to
August 15, 1855.
Priscilla Waterbury,
wife of Rev. Calvin.
Charlotte B. Seymour,
Mrs. Day,
Samuel S. Spring.
Emeline Parks,
Mrs. Freeman.
Salmen Gorsline,
Mrs. Salmen Gorsline,
Mrs. Lucy Hart,
Ambrose C. Ford,
Elizabeth W. Ford,
wife of Ambrose
Mrs. Maria Bement,
Amelia D. Norton,
Mrs Booth .
Mary Ann Cockran,
Edwin Parks,
Elizabeth M. Beers,
Mrs. Adrian Ford.
Susan McCullough,
Joseph Phipps,
John Rollinson,
Sarah E. Salter,
Mrs. George Bliss.
Mary Ann Salter,
Sarah A. Jenks,
Mrs. Dorcas Farnham,
Avery T. Farnham,
Thomas Grow,
Mrs. Ruth Adams,
Hannah Adams,
Mrs. Me Huron.
Maria Parks,
Mrs. Susan Parks,
Mrs. Louisa M. Heazlet,
James Heazlet,
Alfred Curtis,
Phebe S. Curtis,
wife of Alfred, by 1. fr. Ballston
Cciilrc, N. Y.
Isaac Carey,
Marcia Mayo,
Eliza Parks,
Mrs. Buckland,
Mrs. Mercy Power.
Mrs. Mary Farnham,
George W. Farnham,
Margaret F. Farnham,
Harriet S. Farnham,
Mrs. Edward Boughton.
Helen Hubbard,
Mrs. Robert Martin.
Marietta Parks,
Mrs. Dr. Silliman.
Mary Parks.
Rev. Job Pierson, D. D.,
Pastor from December 15,
1856 to September 27, 1863.
Mrs. Nancy Wilcox,
Ann M. Wilcox,
Mrs. Caroline E. Smith,
Mrs. Mary Bristol.
became the ■' First Presby-
terian Church of Victor, N.
Y.," which is its present
February 24, 1858, the
church changed its form of
government and name, and
Mrs. David Farnham,
David Clark,
Sophia Clark,
wife of David, by 1. fr. Parma
Mrs. Olive Deitrich,
Mrs. Maria Van Ness.
by letter from Perinton .
Mrs. Emeline Lewis,
by 1. fr. West Stockbridge, Mass.
Mrs. Temperance Lewis,
by letter from Rochester.
Mrs. Helen P. Seymour,
Mrs. Celia Norton,
by letter from East Bloomfleld,
Mrs. Anna Bushnell,
by letter from Elmira.
Rachael W. Pierson,
Wife of Rev. Job, 1. fr. Pittsford.
Hiram Swezey,
by letter from Newport, N. Y,
Mary Swezey,
wife of Hiram.
John H. Levet,
Emma M. Levet,
wife of John, 1 . fr Rochester
George H. Robb,
Catharine Robb,
wife of Geo. both 1 fr Broadalbin X Y
Elizabeth Norton,
wife of Edwin S.
Julia Farr,
Joanna Camp,
by letter from Jamaica, L.I.
Joseph Bennet,
Helen Peet,
Elizabeth Palmer,
Hannah Hartman,
by letter from Perinton .
William H. Cline,
Emily Cline,
wife of Win . H .
Margaret A. Farnham,
Rodney Dexter,
Cordelia E. Dexter,
wife of Rodney.
Mrs. Frances S. Boughton,
by 1. fr. East Bloomfield.
Mary Jarvis,
by letter from Jamaica, L. I.
D Henry Palmer,
byl.fr. Rochester, (Rev. Dr. Palmer
of Penn Yan . )
Darius L. Covill,
by letter from Lima.
Mrs. Catharine M. Longyear.
1. fr. Pittsford, wife of James.
Sairjuel W. Osborn,
Harriet E. Osborn,
Mary Osborn,
Ann Wells,
Mrs. Sarah M. Sharp,
wife of Cholatte Sharp .
Mrs. Eleanor Ferguson,
Mrs. Ann Covill,
Mrs. Lucy Ann Clapper,
Charlotte E. Tallmadge,
Mrs. A 15. Rowley.
Margaret Gillis,
wife of J A .
Gertie Van Hoosen,
by 1. fr. Muytield, N. Y.
Marietta Bowerman,
wile of Gilford.
Mrs. Cassia Day,
by letter from Rochester.
Mrs. Nancy Bowers,
Charlotte Parks,
Mrs. R. Reed.
Rev. Wm. H. Webb, Pastor,
from December 6, 1863 to
October 22, 1865.
Mrs. Sylvina Peck Walling.
Isaac B. Kniffen,
Tamar Ann Kniffen,
wife of Isaac B .
Elizabeth Webb,
wife < )f Rev . Wm . H. by 1 . fr Niag-
ara City, N . Y.
Minnie Parks,
Mrs. A.J. Lane.
Alice D. Lusk,
wife of Stafford S.. by 1. fr. East
Mrs. Sarah A. Rollinson,
John O. Palmer,
by 1. fr. Auburn, N. Y.
John Brown,
Eveline Brown,
wife of John.
Juliette Brown,
allbyl.fr. Rose, N. Y.
Mrs. Ann Warren.
Mrs. Hortense A. Wilder.
Mrs. Jeanette E. Rowley,
Mrs. Lydia A. Gillett.
1 866
Church under supplies un-
til November 7, 1866.
Mrs. O. J. Woodward,
Mrs. Hannah E. Bement,
by 1. fr. Palmyra, V V.
Rev. Gideon P. Nichols,
D. D., Pastor from May,
1866, to August 8, 1869.
Nathaniel Phillips,
Emily Phillips,
wife of Nathaniel, by 1. fr. Clarkson
N. Y.
Mrs. Mary Boltwood,
Abbie Parks.
Eliza Dryer,
Mrs. Edward Brown
Maria Clark,
Mrs. George Sidway.
Sophia Clark,
Elvira Vanderbergh,
wife of John.
Irene Gilbert,
Myra Copeland,
Caroline West,
Mrs. William Green.
James H. Reeve.
Lydia Reeve,
wife of James H. bvl. fr. Jamaica,
L. I.
Mrs. Mary E. Copeland.
by 1. fr. Addison, N. Y.
Edward Copeland.
Mrs. Rachel Moore,
wife of Robert.
William Gallup,
Orrin S. Bacon,
Harriet E. Bacon,
wife of Orrin S.
Margaret Ransom,
John H. Ransom,
Mrs. Mary Wheeler,
Elizabeth Norton,
wife of Walter D .
Walter D. Norton,
Laura Parks,
Ella Parks,
Ella H. Harrington,
Mrs. Frank J. Heath.
Mary Conover.
Mrs. Sidell.
Emma Rawson,
Cora Wilder,
George Randall,
William B. Osborne,
James Longyear^
Mrs. Anna Humphrey,
by letter from Brooklyn, N, Y.
Charles McKallar,
Delia McKallar,
wife of Charles.
Mrs. Jane Howell,
by letter from Chili.
Ezra M. Peet,
Helen B. Peet,
wife of Ezra M.
John VanVechten,
Edwin S. Norton,
A. Burton Simonds,
George Frederick,
John Vandenbergh,.
Mrs. Mary VanCott,
Mary Clark,
Mrs. Charles VanVechten.
Hattie Peet,
Mrs. Dinslow Gould.
Carrie Beach,
John Potter,
William W. Gillis,
Julia F. Simmon,
by letter from Cold water, Mich.
Hannah VanVechten,
wife of John,
Augusta Norton,
wife of E. S.
Nellie Simonds,
wife of A. B.
Alida Fredericks,
wife of George.
Charlotte Fredericks,
wife of Nicholas.
Julietta Adams,
Elizabeth Conover,
wife of John.
Mrs. Ellen Brocklebank,
Mary J. Simonds,
Mrs. Gilbert Turner.
Alice Parks,
Augusta Wilder,
Sophia Moul,
Mrs. Agnes Decker,
Carrie Upton,
Mrs. McCarthy.
Bell Woodward,
Sibly Bell,
Mary Moore,
in mission work, Chicago, 111
Mrs. Jane Bell,
Mrs. Henry VanVoorhiee
Julia Gillis,
Helen Gillis,
Mrs. Eliza Brown,
wife of Henry.
James C. Wisner,
by 1. fr. Lyons, NY.
Mrs. James C. Wisner.
by letter from Lyons, N . Y
Rev. Clark B. Gillett,
Charles K. Humphrey,
Robert Ranney,
by letter from Ireland
Peggy Ranney,
wife of Robert.
Mary Ranney,
Mrs. Phebe West,
wife of Winslow.
Miss Frank Noble.
Church under supplies from
August 8, 1869, to June 1, '71 .
William Green.
Thomas Gallup,
by letter from Albion.
Mrs. Mary J. Munson,
Emma J. Munson,
both by 1. from Titusville, Pa
Mrs. Sarah M. Powell,
by letter from Joliet, 111.
Dinslow M. Gould.
Rev. Henry T. Miller,
Pastor from June 1, 1871,
to June 1, 1873,
Anna Peet,
Mrs. Henry Boughton,
Mrs. McMurdy,
Charles Shaw,
E. Shaw,
wife of Charles.
Carrie Lobdell,
Mrs Sale. '
Levi N. Beebe,
Mrs. L. N. Beebe,
both by letter fr. West Bloomfield.
Jennie K. Miller,
wife of Rev. Henry T.
Mrs. Esther Benedict,
by letter from Perinton.
Charlotte Lovejoy,
wife of Edward.
Catharine A. Norton,
wife of John.
Catharine J. Gillis,
Mrs. Frank Gallup.
Elizabeth Boughton,
Mrs. James Va il-
Cora Osborne,
Lillian Bacon,
Alice Lever.,
Julia Lewis,
Mrs. Moore.
Lena Norton,
Daniel Wilder,
Anna A. Covill,
w. of Darius L. by 1. fr. Canandaigua
Carrie L. Dryer,
Mrs. Mary Ann Wilder,
by letter from Brockport.
Clarissa Bostwick,
by letter from Palmyra.
James F. Draper, M. D.
Amelia Townsend,
wife of Doctor Townsend.
Mrs. Catharine E. Risely,
Mrs. Stephen J . Tallmadge .
Delia VanNess,
w. of Cassius C.l. fr. Woodstock, N. Y.
Mrs. Betsey Dibble,
Emeline Dibble,
by letter from East Bloomfleld.
Anna Swezey,
Mrs. Concklin.
Cora Jane Swezey,
Celia Christopher,
Mrs George T. Ewers
Rev. William B. Marsh,
Pastor from December 7,
1873, to November 22,
Joseph Waghorne,
Rachel Waghorne,
wife of Joseph .
Mrs. E. A. Marsh,
wife of Rev. "William B.
Mary Goodnow,
wife of Truman.
Jennie Thorne,
by letter from Rochester, N.Y.
Mrs. Helen Beach,
by letter from East Bloomfleld, (Mrs.
Joseph P. Hathaway.)
Anna Dunlap,
Edwin D. Hoyt,
Adelia E. Hoyt,
wife of Edwin D. by 1. fr. Mendon,
Mrs. Elizebeth B. Tracy,
by letter from Ireland .
Rev. Robert Ennis, Pastor
from February 12, 1876, to
August 5, 1877.
William McMurdy.
Mary Painton,
Ida Longyear,
Mrs. Charles Ketchum.
Henry R. Robbins,
Anna Robbins,
by letter from Knoxboro, N Y
Mary A. Camp,
Mrs. Charles Brown .
Emily M. Levet,
Josephine C. Brizee,
Myrtie May Thompson,
Hattie Moore,
Sarah Ann Brizee,
Avlfe of Benjamin.
Mary Force,
wife of Charles.
Elder, John Kilbourn.
by 1. fr. Knoxboro, N. Y,
Catharine Kilbourn,
wife of John.
Mrs. Lillian Moore,
by 1. fr. Battle Creek Mich.
Rev. Thomas E. Babb,
Pastor from February 3,
1878, to June 3, 1883.
Carrie Osborne,
Mrs. Mark T. Powell.
Mrs. Marietta Sizer,
Ida Conover,
Mrs- George Shanks.
Harriet S. Gillis,
wife of William W.
Daniel Wilder,
Mary Wilder,
wife of Daniel, byl. fr. Webster.
Mary Ann Draper,
wife of Dr. James F.
Mrs. Babb,
wife of Rev. Thomas E. by 1. fr.
Oxford, Mass.
Clarence P. Kilmer,
by 1. fr. Ohio.
George F. Swezey,
William B. Gallup,
George M. Shanks,
James Haslip,
Mrs. Fanny Haslip,
by 1. fr. Parma Centre
Mrs. Maggie McGee.
Julia Adams,
witV- of Freeman,
Elizabeth Timmerman,
wife of Benjamin.
James G. Vail,
by 1. fr. .Geneva.
Laura McD. Osborne,
wife of Win. B. byl. fr. Rochester
. 1882
Bell Norton,
Mrs Frank Hopkins
Mrs. Laura Sibbits.
Albert S. Bacon,
Minister at Oneida Castle.
Mrs. Sabra Covill.
The following names are
found on the church roll
without date of admission.
Rachael Ball,
wife of Dr. William.
Eliza Root,
Lucinda Norton.
Rev. Clarnce W. Backus,
Pastor from July 1, 1884 to
Anna B. Higinbotham,
wife of W. A. by 1 fr. E. Bioomfield.
Susan W. Backus.
wife of Rev. C. W. byl. fr. Prince-'
town .
Ellen Wilbur,
Mrs. Tony Moffit. byl. fr Rose.
Mrs. Elizabeth Wilbur,
by letter fr. Rose.
Cora French,
Minnie Bacon,
wife of Orrin S. Jr.
Carrie E. Phillips,
Nellie Longyear,
Mrs. L. H. Stewart.
Alice E. Moore,
Mrs. Gardner Thomas.
Charles A. Moore,
Gardner G. Thomas,
Mark T. Powell,
Mrs. Cora J. Phillips,
by 1. fr. East Mendon
Clara Benson,
Marian Estclla Yandenberg,
Mercy E. Covill.
wife of A. L. byl.fr. E. Bloomfleld.
Georgia McVean,
wife of David A by 1. i'r,Scottsville
Ziba C. Curtice,
Anna Day Curtice,
wife of Ziba C both by 1. fr. Webster.
Marvin A. Wilbur,
byl. fr. Rose.
Lizzie S. Bacon,
Jennie O. Bacon,
Nellie J. Heath.
Lousia Schroth,
Cora D. Timmerman.
Mrs. A. N. Holcomb.
Cora E. Wheeler,
Grace L. Phillips,
Mrs. John S. Boughton.
Miranda C. Hill,
wife of William .
Cynthia S. Webster,
wife of Otis.
Jessie M. Simonds,
wife of George.
William A. Higinbotham,
Harriet B. Tiffany,
Minnie B. Tiffany,
Fannie L. Timmerman,
Viola G. Adams.
Cora E. Boughton,
Nellie Pestol,
Alice Pestol,
Viola Farnsworth,
Cola L. Gillis,
C. Lewis Simonds,
Bertha L. Simonds,
wife of C Lewis,
Z. Gertrude Wisner,
wife of Ralph S.
George Simonds,
George D. Sidway,
Agnes H. Levet,
wife of Oliver.
William Conover,
Milton P. Cornford,
Eugene A. Timmerman,
Stafford S. Lusk,
Amelia Norton,
Rachel Vandenbergh,
wife of Dow .
Alfred B. Levet,
Benjamin F. Timmerman,
Charles A. Phillips.
Irene Green,
wife of Baldwin,
Emma I. Green.
Mrs. Charles Bowerman.
Nettie VanVechten.
Ella I. Peck,
Mary S. Lane,
wife of Albert .
Celestine I. Boltwood,
wife of Emmet.
Emmet Boltwood,
Agnes Bell West,
William B. Moore,
Freeman E. Adams,
Frank Ashley,
Rose Ellen Underwood,
Jane Howland,
wife of Wilbur.
Maggie Bennet,
wife of Amos J. by 1 fr. Prlneetown.
Milo Freeman Webster,
Ralph S. Wisner,
Harriet Bement,
wife of Henry .
Ida M. Wilbur,
wife of Marvin A
Anna E. Backus,
Jennie M. Sidell,
Albert E. Sale,
Adelia M. Sale,
wife oi Albert E.
Emma Brusie,
Frank A. Hopkins,
Jennie E. Newton,
wife oi : Willis D.
Mary L. Jones,
wife of Asa ,
Susie Pimm,
Mr*, rhilds
Harry Pimm,
Emma A. Pox.
wife ot Frederick.
Wilbur C. Howland, Jr.
George Peifer,
Minnie M. Rankin.
Eva Smith Phillips,
wife of Nathaniel, by 1. fr. Rochester.
Anna E. Jacobs,
George Warren,
Jennie Webster Gallup,
wife of W111 B . by 1. fr. Geneseo.
Flora Craft.
Kittie Grinnell,
Aaron N. Longyear,
Charles Longyear,
Sadie McVean.
John Rupprecht,
George H. Frederick,
Minnie J. Frederick,
Elida Faulkner,
Minnie A. Miller,
Ella M. Brown.
Cassius C. Van Ness,
Fred W. Good now,
Willie J. Stafford.
Oscar Longyear,
Minnie A. Longyear,
wile of Oscar.
Charles B. Morgan,
Chloe L. Payne,
David A. McVean,
John C O'Brien,
Mary L. Draper.
Jennie Stafford,
Milton Stafford,
Catharine A. Stafford,
wife of Milton.
Clarence Brusie,
Charles Bowerman,
Charles Judevine,
Francis Judevine,
wife of Charles
Albert Lane,
Mattie A. Bowerman,
Martha L. Bowerman
Florence Bowerman,
D. Stuart McVean,
Mrs. Eusebie Eighme.
Will J. Bloodgood,
Hattie L. Bloodgood,
wife of WillJ.
George H. French,
Delia A. French,
wif e of George .
Henry Bement,
Marcus G. Doyle,
Chester S. Gilman,
Frances Bowers,
Willis D. Newton.
byl. fr. Manchester, NY
Alice Isabel Reid,
Mary Stanton Shaw
wile of Gideon.
Libbie C. Moore,
wife of Charles A.
Julia A. Preston,
wife of Edward.
Herman Baldwin Green,
Ida Emily Green,
wife of Herman B.
Alfred D. Smith,
Cora B. Smith,
wife of Alfred D
Board of Government,
Rev. C. W. Backus, Moderator.
Elders. — Albert Simonds, D. Henry Osborne, Stafford
S. Lusk, Stephen J. Tallmadge, William A. Higinbotham,
C Lewis Simonds.
The Pastor, ex-officio, General Superintendent.
Charles A. Moore, Assistant Superintendent, in charge
of Senior Department.
William B. Gallup, Treasurer.
Harry Pinne, Secretary.
Milton Cornford, Librarian.
William B. Moore, Assistant Librarian.
Miss Sadie McVean, Missionary Treasurer.
Elder D. Henry Osborne 's. Class.
Mrs. Albert Simonds, Mrs, S. J. Tallmadge.
" George Clapper, " Delia MacKallar,
" Sarah Sharp, " Otis Webster,
Mrs. John S. Gillis, Mrs. Porter Rawson,
" Sabra Covill, " John VanVechten,
" James Ransom, " George West.
James Sizer, " Dow Vandenbergh,
D. H. (Osborne, " William Conover,
Emma Levet, " Henry Bement,
" Henry H. Brown, " George Curtice.
" John Vandenbergh,
Mrs. Will iaiu Gallup s Class. '
Mrs. Benjamin Timmerman, Mrs. William Hill,
" Edward Lovejoy, " Edward Boughton,
" James F. Draper, " John Conover,
" 0. S. Bacon, Sr., " Frank Heath,
Asa Jones, " Edward Brown,
Edward Norton, " John Hotaling,
" George Sidway, " John McCarthy.
" Stafford S. Lusk, " Wilbur Howland,
Nathaniel Phillips, " Bruce Moore,
Milton Stafford, " Charles VanVechten,
" Charles Judevine, Miss Augusta Wilder,
" Daniel Barnet, " Sophia Clark.
" Gifford Bowerman,
Elder Stephen J. lalliuadges, Class.
James F. Draper, M. D., Mr. Nathaniel Phillips,
Mr. Edward Norton, " James Longyear,
" Walter Norton, " John Van Vechten,
" Bruce Moore, " Benjamin Timmerman,
'• Otis Webster, " Dow Vandenbergh,
" William Conover, " John Vandenbergh,
" Hart Boughton, " Cassius C. Van Ness,
" John O'Brien, " M ilton Stafford,
George Sidway, " Frances Bowers,
" Wm. W. Gillis, " Charles Moore.
Mr. Mar vu> A.
Mr. William Green,
" George Shanks,
" Ziba C. Curtice,
" Emmet Boltwood,
" William B. Osborne,
'• Nicholas Fredericks,
'• Freeman Adams,
•' Frank Gallup,
" Edward Winans,
" Edgar Preston,
" Fred Cooley,
Wilbur's Class.
Mr. George Frederick,
James Ransom,
George Curtice,
Hopper Chase,
Ralph Wisner,
Willis D. Newton,
Clarence Brusic,
Albert Lane,
Daniel Barnet,
Herman Green,
Alfred Smith.
Elder William A. Higinbothams Class.
Mrs. William Green,
Freeman Adams,
Benjamin Brizee,
" Emma Winans,
Mary Lane,
" William. W. Gillis,
" Charles Force,
" Edward Preston,
" Leslie Loomis,
" Willis D. Newton,
" Ziba C. Curtice,
" Marvin Wilbur,
" Reese Reed,
" James Vail,
" A. B. Rowley.
Miss Emma Rawson
Miss Lena Norton,
" Cora Wheeler,
" Miller,
Mrs. Emmet Boltwood,
" Amos J. Bennet,
" Wm. A. Higinbotham,
" Fred Cooley,
" Mary Turner,
" Hattie Bloodgood,
" Oliver Levet,
" Ida Bement,
" Herman Green,
Miss Viola F"arnsworth,
" Emma Brusie, ♦
Mrs. A. J. Lane.
lildcr Stafford S. Lusk's, Class.
Mr. Frank Hopkins,
" Oscar Longyear,
" Alexander P. Gillis,
Mr. John Boughton,
" Wilbur Howland,
'• Charles Bowe.rman,
Mr. George Frederick, Jr.
Charles Longyear,
Edward Tim merman,
Albert Sale,
Charles Morgan,
George Bement,
C. Lewis Simonds,
George Ransom,
George Hill,
Mr. George Simonds,
Milo Webster,
Frank Henry,
Charles Boughton,
Ray Ransom,
Aaron Longyear,
Fred Goodnow,
William Bloodgood,
George Peifer.
Mr. [civics G. VaiVs Class.
Mrs. C. Lewis Simonds,
" Charles Bowerman,
" Oscar Longyear..
" Wilber Howland,
" Herman Boughton,
" Jennie Gallup,
" George Shanks,
" George Ewers,
" William B. Gallup,
" Alfred Smith,
" George French,
Mrs. George Simonds,
Miss Alice Levet,
Emily M. Levet,
Sarah Harrington,
Ella Henry,
Elida Faulkner,
Estella Vandenberg,
Esther Reed,
Frank Henry,
Frankie Strong.
Miss Cora Osborne's Class.
Mrs. John Boughton,
" Ray Ransom,
Miss Mary Draper,
" Alice Tiffany,
" Nettie VanVechten,
" Flora Craft,
" Kittie Grinnell,
Miss Ca.n'e Phillips,
Miss Jennie Stafford,
" Clara Benson,
" Millie Norton,
" Viola Adams,
" Ella Brown,
Mattie A. Bowerman,
Martha L. Bowerman,
" Florence Bowerman.
Mrs. Cora J. Phillip's Class.
Miss Cora Boughton, Miss Jennie Bacon,
" Nellie Heath, " Ethel Waghorne,
" Sadie McVean " Minnie Tiffany,
" Mabel Draper, " Fanny Timmermam,
" Agnes West. " Ella J. Peck,
" Maggie Howland, " Minnie Preston,
" Lizzie Shanks, " Sophia Henry.
Mr. William B. Gallup s Class.
Mr. Webster Heath, Mr. William Moore,
Eugene Timmerman, " Lee Wilbur,
" Fred Levet, " Charles Phillips,
" William Hill. Jr., " James Benson.
" John Bennet, " John Rupprecht,
" William J. Stafford, " L. Humphreyville,
" Allen Ransom, " Herman Miller,
" John Zobel, " Albert Moore.
Mrs. Charles Moore s Class.
Miss Gertie Cooley, Miss Minnie Cooley,
" Myrtie Preston, " Jennie Sidell.
•' Maggie Hotaling, " Ella Waghorne,
" Alice J. Reid, " Maud Phillips.
" Libbie Conover. " Mabel Conover,
Mrs. David A. McVean, I c . . ,
M ,,,.,.. T5 ^ , - Superintendents,
Mrs. Wilhan B. Osborne, \ 1
Miss Mary Osborne, Librarian,
Mr. Stuart McVean, Treasurer.
Miss Lizzie Bacon's Class.
Robert Higinbotham, Arthur Turner,
Charles Sale, Ralph McCarthy,
Watie Wisner, George Boltwood,
D. Henry Osborne, Jr. Howard Bloodgood.
Mrs. Orrin S. Bacon, [r. Class.
Townsend Curtice, Win. Bushnell Osborne, Jr.
Orrin S. Bacon, the III, John Levet,
Earnest Hopkins, Marie Bloodgood,
Frederick C. Green, William Green.
Miss Emma L. Hammond s, Class.
Minnie Levet, Edith Lane,
Carrie Shanks, Cora Peck,
Agnes Higinbotham, Camilla Sale,
Florence Judevine, Laura Lane.
Jessie Gallup,
Miss Alice Park's Class.
Eva Ransom, Ruth Parmele,
Florence Adams, Leona Adams,
Lola Curtice, H attic Winans,
Irrna Reed, Vera Reed,
Edith Timmerman, Blanch Phillips,
Myrtie May, Clara Chase,
Lois Grinnel, Ina E. Green.
Mrs. Frank Hopkins Class.
Clark Simonds, Joseph Chase,
Delois Bennet. Fred Barnet
Allen C. Preston, Charles Powell,
John McCarthy, Daniel Sullivan,
Earnest Peglow, Albert Underhill,
Fred Peck, George Mayo.
Mrs. William Green's Class.
Agnes Wisner,
Susie Sid way,
Bessie Goodnow,
Myra Heath ,
Minnie Peglow,
Rachella Bennet.
Mrs. Cassius C. VanNess1 Class.
Ferris VanNess,
Charles Peck,
Clarence Boltwood,
Robert Childs,
J. Trumbull Backus, Jr.
Howard McVean,
Homer Bough ton,
Charles Wairhorne.
Mrs. C. 11'. Backus Class.
Stuart McVean,
Porter Rawson,
Ray Vandenburgh,
Charles Preston,
Walter Childs,
George McCarthy,
Fred Peglow,
Charles Mosher,
John Bowerman,
Tames Covill.
Chester Green,
Linas Boughton,
John Peglow,,
Joshua E. Bennet,
Simon Hotaling,
William Waghorne,
John Bennet,
Mac Mosher,
Silas Bowerman.
The Civil and Church Law Governing the Church
and Society.
The society is to have a board of trustees, not exceeding
nine in number, nor less than three.
The board of trustees, as thus constituted, are to be
divided into three classes, " to the end that the third part
of the whole number, as nearly as possible, maybe annually
" One month " before the expiration of the office of
any of the said trustees, notice " in writing'' is to be given
by the trustees to the minister, or in case of his death or
absence, to the elders or deacons, "specifying the names of
the trustees whose times will expire, and the said mini-ter,
or in case of his death or absence, one of the said church
officers, shall proceed to duly notify the congregation of
said vacancies and the time for the election of their
1 1 1
Such notice is required to be given "'fifteen days" before
the day of the election, and "on two successive Sabbaths"
at the stated meeting for public worship.
The law provides, that when an election is invalid
" through defect of due notice, or otherwise, the trustees
of said church, congregation or religious society, or a
majority of them, shall immediately thereafter give notice
thereof, in writing," as prescribed for the regular election
and the election be held as herein prescribed.
At the election of trustees " two " elders of the church
are to " preside," " receive the votes of the electors," and
be " the officers to return the 'names of the persons who by
plurality of voices, shall be elected to serve as trustees,"
and these returning officers shall " immediately " thereafter
certify under their hands and seals, the names of the persons
elected to serve as trustees, " and such certificate shall
entitle the persons elected to act as trustees."
"And in case any trustee shall die, or refuse to act,
or remove, within a year, notice thereof shall be given by
the trustees as aforesaid, and a new election appointed and
held, and another trustee be elected in his stead, in manner
v< >TERS.
At such election, no one may vote until they have been
"a stated attendant on divine worship in said church . . at
least one year before such election, and shall have
contributed to the support of said church according
to the usages and customs thereof, and that the clerk to
said trustees shall keep a register of the names of all such
persons as desire to become stated hearers in the said church
.... and shall therein note the time when such request
was made, and the said clerk shall attend all such subse-
quent elections, in order to test the qualifications of such
electors, in case the same should be questioned."
Male and female, of full age, complying with the above
conditions are, bv law, entitled to vote.
I 12
Trustees " hold their offices during the term for which
they were elected, and until their successors are chosen."
A vacancy is created by expiration of term of office,
and when any trustee resigns, or ceases to be a member of
the society, or ceases to statedly attend upon and support
its services, then " his place shall be declared vacant by a
notice of the board of trustees to the church," or society
. ."and said church shall proceed to fill the vacancy,
as provided in the above mentioned act."
Section 16. "Whenever a religious corporation becomes
dissolved by any law of the state, or through neglect of any
such law, the religious society connected with such corpo-
ration may reincorporate itself, and thereupon, all the real
and personal property which did belong to such dissolved
corporation, at the time of its dissolution, shall vest in such
new corporation for the said society. "
The number of Trustees may be increased or diminished
at any annual meeting, provided notice of such shall have
been given at least two weeks before, and that the whole
number shall not exceed nine trustees, nor be less than
The trustees are to " have and use a common seal,
and may renew and alter the same at their pleasure."
They are " authorized and empowered " to take into
their possession and custody all the temporalities belonging
to the church, both real or personal estate, and however the
same may have been acquired. " Also by their corporate
name or title, to sue and be sued in all courts of law or
equity, and to recover, hold, and enjoy all the debts,
demands, rights and privileges, and all churches, meeting
houses, parsonages and burying places, with the appurten-
ances, and all estates belonging to such church, in
whatsoever manner the same ma)- have been acquired," etc.
Section 4- "And also to purchase and hold other
^real and personal estate, and to demise, lease and improve
the same for the use of said church, etc." "Also to
repair and alter their churches or meeting-houses, and to
erect others if necessary, and to erect dwelling-houses for the
use of their ministers, and school-houses and other buildings
for the use of said church, and such trustees shall also
have power to make rules or orders for managing the tem-
poral affairs of such church, and to dispose of all
moneys belonging thereunto ; and to regulate and order the
renting of the pews in their churches or meeting houses,
and all other matters relating to the temporal concerns and
revenues of such church, congregation, or society ; and to
appoint a clerk and treasurer of their board, and a collector
to collect and receive the said rents and revenues ; and to
regulate the fees to be allowed to such clerk, treasurer and
collector, and them, or either of them, to remove at pleasure
and appoint others in their stead ; and such clerk shall enter
all rules and orders made by such trustees, and payments
ordered by them, in a book to be provided by them for that
Any two trustees can call a meeting of the board at
any time.
A majority of the members of the board being lawfully
com ened constitutes a quorum, and "shall be competent to
do and perform all matters and things which such trustees
are authorized or required to do or perform."
A majority vote of the trustees present at a lawful
meeting shall determine all questions and business.
"In case of an equal division, the presiding trustee shall
have a casting vote."
SECTIONS. Provides that the trustees shall not "fix or
ascertain any salary to be paid to any minister" "of any
church," "but the same shall be ascertained by a majority of
persons entitled to elect trustees, at a meeting to be called
for that purpose," and such salaries duly ratified in writing,
shall "be paid by the said trustees out of the revenues of
such church, congregation, or society."
■• The trustees of any church, congregation, or religious,
society, incorporated under said section three of the above-
mentioned act, shall administer the temporalities thereof,
and hold and apply the estate and property belonging there-
to, and the revenues of the same for the benefit of said
corporation, according to the discipline, rules and usages of
the denomiation to which the church members of the cor-
poration belong ; and it shall not be lawful for the trustees
to divert such estate, property, or revenues to any other
purpose, except toward the support and maintenance of any
religious, benevolent or other institution connected with
such church, congregation or religious society."
Section ii. Provides that in the sale of church real
estate, application must be made to a justice of the Supreme
Court or a judge of the County Court, for an order for sale
of any real estate belonging to the corporation, and that
such justice or judge shall direct the application of the
moneys arising from such sale, " to such uses as the same
corporation, with the consent and approbation of" such
justice, or judge, ''shall conceive to be most for the interest
of the society to which the real estate so sold did belong."
No lease or deed is given in this society for the land
upon which horse-sheds are built.
The trustees could not legally divert such property
from church uses.
All such property is he'd by individuals in consideration
of their being stated attendants upon the services and
worship of the church.
When such attendance and its relation ceases, their
rights in such shed property are vacated by their own act.
Shed holders cannot sell any rights they do not possess,
therefore cannot sell their sheds to those not stated attend-
ants upon the church.
The trustees have established an equitable plan of
adjustment, when shed owners choose to change their church
The trustees and the shed holder, each choose a person
to represent them. These two representatives choose a
third. The three constitute a board of appraisement, the
trustees taking the shed at its actual value as appraised.
The pews of this society are sold anually to the highest
bidder, the bid being either for the choice of pews, or for a
specified pew, as the trustees see fit at the time. The annual
sale occurs about the first Thursday in December.
Persons not present at the sale, and newcomers during
the year, can obtain such sittings as may be unoccupied, by
application to the trustees.
Involving also the Mutual Relations ok Session
and Trustees.
In general, the trustees are concerned with the tempor-
alities ; and the session with the spiritualities, including the
control" and management of the house for purposes of
religious worship and all that pertains thereto.
At certain points their paths meet, and are guided by
the following rules:
"The trustees shall administer the temporali-
ties thereof, and hold and apply the estate and property
belonging thereto; and the revenues of the same, for the
benefit of said corporation, according to the discipline, rules
and usages of the denomination to which the church members
of the corporation belong."
" Where a church edifice is held by trustees, the legal
title, is vested in them; and having the title, the custody and
care of the property, pertains to them for the uses and
purposes for which- they hold the trust. These uses and
purposes are the worship of God, and the employment of
such other means of spiritual improvement as may be
consistent with the scriptures, and according to the order
of the church ; to which may be added, congregational
meetings for business relating to the church or corporation.
By the constitution of the church, the session is charged
w i til the supervision of the spiritual interests of the congre-
gation ; and this includes the right to direct and control the
use of the building for the purposes of worship, as required
or established by the special usage of the particular church,
or the directory for worship. This being the principal
purpose of the trust., the trustees are bound to respect the
wishes and action of the session as to the use and occupation
of the house of worship. The session is the organ or agent
through whom the trustees are informed how and when the
church building is to be occupied; and the trustees have no
right to refuse compliance with the action of the session in
this regard. These are general principles applicable to all
cases, except, perhaps, in some localities where special
statutory enactments by competent authority may confer
other rights, or prescribe other duties."
" But there are other purposes for which the use of the
church edifice is sometimes desired, which, though they
partake of a religious or intellectual character, do not fall
within the class of objects which are properly described as
belonging to the worship of that congregation. The house
may not be used for such purposes without the consent of
the trustees ; and this consent they may properly, in their
discretion, refuse. As the function to determine what is a
proper use of the house is vested in the session, the trustees
have no legal right to grant the use of it for purposes which
the session disapprove. And as the strict rights of those
who are represented by the session to the use of the house,
are limited to the worship of that congregation, the trustees
are under no obligation to grant it for any other purpose."
"When the trustees grant the use of the house to others,
contrary to the expressed wishes of the session, and, as they
suppose, to the prejudice of the cause of religion and of that
church, the proper appeal is, first, to the persons composing
the congregation to whom the trustees are responsible ;
secondly, to the Presbytery, for their advice ; and finally, if
necessary, to the legal tribunals."
The above action of the highest ecclesiastical court is
sustained by the following decision of the Supreme Court
of the United States.
" In the use of the property for all religious services or
ecclesiastical purposes, the Trustees are under the control of
the session." Digest, p. iii.
." One or two propositions, which seem to admit of no
controversy, are proper to be noticed in this connection. 1,
Both by the act of the Legislature, creating the trustees
of the church a body corporate, and by the acknowledged
rules of the Presbyterian Church the trustees were the mere
nominal title-holders and custodians of the church property;
and other trustees were, or could be elected by the congre-
gation, to supply their places, once in every two years. 2,
That in the use of the property for all religious services or
ecclesiastical purposes, the trustees were under the control
'of the church session. 3, That by the constitution of all
Presbyterian churches, the session, which is the governing
body in each, is composed of the ruling elders and pastor ;
and in all business of the session a majority of its members,
(present) " govern; the number of elders for each congrega-
tion being variable."
" The trustees obviously hold possession for the use of
persons who, by the constitution, usages, and laws of the Pres-
byterian body are entitled to that use. They are liable to
removal by the congregation for whom they hold this trust ;
and others may be substituted in their places. They have
no personal ownership or right beyond this, and are subject,
in their official relations to the property, to the control of the
session of the church."
" The possession of the elders, though accompanied with
larger and more efficient powers of control, is still a fiduciary
possession. It is as a session of the church alone that they
could exercise power. Except by an order of the session in
regular meeting, they have no right to make any order con-
cerning the use of the building; and any action of the session
is necessarily in the character of representatives of the church
body by whose members it was elected."
Upon the back of the above judical decision which was
made in 1872, and in accord with the same, the general
assembly of 1874, adopted the following:
1. " The constitution of our church charges «the session
with the supervision of the spiritual interests of the congre-
gation, and all services and matters pertaining thereto; and
that any action, by the board of trustees, unauthorized by
the congregation, tending to annul or contravene in an)- wax-
such supervision and control, is illegal and void."
2. " That as regards the church building, Sabbath-
school and lecture-room, the trustees have no right to grant
or with-hold the use of either, against the wishes or consent
of the session."
In 1869 the concurrent general assemblies, old and new-
school, now become one, ordered that "imperfectly organized
churches are counseled and expected to become thoroughly
Presbyterian, as early within the period of five years as may
be permitted by the highest interest to be consulted, and no
such churches shall be hereafter received."
a. The church session consists of pastor and ruling
elders. — Digest, p. 123.
b. A minister and two elders constitute a quorum.
c. The vote of the session is the reception to member-
ship, and must involve baptism. — Digest, p. 129.
d. Members of other evangelical churches are received
on certificate. — Digest, p. 130.
e. Public worship — spiritual affairs.
1. "By our constitution (form of government, chap. 9,
sec. 6, and directory for worship, chap. 4, sec. 4), the whole
internal arrangement of a church, as to worship and order,
is committed to the minister and sess on." — Digest, p. 782.
2. The "delicate and important matter of arranging
and conducting the music as to them shall seem most for
edification," is left "to each session." — Digest, p. 782.
3. Directory for worship, (chap. 4, sec. 4). " The pro-
portion of the time of public worship to be spent in singing
is left to the prudence of every minister; but it is recom-
mended that more time be allowed for this excellent part of
divine service than has been usual in most of our churches."
f. " The session has no power to prohibit collections
ordered by the assembly." — Digest, p. 131.
g. Sabbath school and church.
The Sabbath school is "an important auxiliary to the
church in the instruction and religious culture of her children.
As such it naturally comes under the direction of the
pastor and session of each church, and they should ever be
recognized as its proper guardians and superiors."
"They have no more right to relinquish this solemn res-
ponsibility than they have to give up the care, discipline
and instruction of the church."
" With this obvious fact of the responsibilities of pas-
tors for the children of their churches, the general assembly
does hereby set forth the following principles as guides to
pastors and sessions in fulfilling their duties in respect to the
Sabbath School work:"
i. "The pastoral office involves the practical super-
vision of the Sabbath school.
The pastor should frequently, if not constantly, be pres-
ent to counsel and aid those who may under him be engaged
in the work of instruction."
2. " While the Holy Bible is the great text-book of the
Sabbath school, it is eminently fitting that the summary of
Christian doctrine as contained in ouradmirable Shorter Cat-
echism should also be taught, and that a lesson therefrom
should be recited at least once a month, and that at least
once in a quarter the pastor himself should examine the
whole school therein, adding thereto such explanations and
illustrations as may to him seem proper."
3, "The books of the Sabbath school library should be
wholly subject to the supervision of the pastor and ruling
elders, and no work, except it be published by our Board of
Publication, shall be admitted, which they have not ap-
proved. In this examination care should be taken that no
book receives their sanction which might give the minds of
children a bias unfavorable to the order, doctrine and prac-
tices of our church, or which might beget a taste for friv-
olous literature, or which does not impart some weighty
truth or important information." — Digest, p. 645.
"That so far as practicable each church should defray
the expenses of its own Sabbath schools as a part of its
current expense, and the children be practically educated to
make their offerings directly and intelligently to the benev-
olent work of the church." — G. A. Minutes 1887, p. 122.
h. The moneys for the poor are under the charge of
the Deacons.
1. The "church consists of a number of professing
Christians with their offspring, voluntarily associated to-
gether for divine worship, and godly living, agreeably to the
holy Scriptures; and submitting to a certain form of govern-
ment."— Digest, p. 10S.
2. The society or congregation, consists of those and
their children, church members or otherwise, who are stated
attendants on divine worship, and contribute to its support
according to the customs or usages thereof.
3. Those of a mature age, without respect to sex, are
entitled to vote in their respective departments.
4. The jurisdiction of the church and session pertains
to the spiritual affairs, including the election of elders and
deacons and management of religious services. »
5. The jurisdiction of the society or congregation per-
tains to the temporalities, including the election of trustees.
And also the right to vote on the question of calling a min-
ister, and fix the amount of ccunpensation to be offered him.
The following councils met in Victor, in addition to
those already mentioned as convening for installation, and
dissolution of pastoral relation.
October 7, 1802
Rev. Joseph Grover, Rev. James Hotchkin, Rev. Tim-
othy Field; Rev. Abijah Warren.
March 7, 18 10
Rev. Oliver Ayer, Rev. Aaron C. Collins, Rev. Eben
Norton. Rev. Timothy Buel.
January 1 1, 181 1
Rev. Howell P. Powell, Rev. Aaron C. Collins, Rev.
John Niles, Deacon Perinton Paine, from Phelps, Mr. Brown,
from Elmira.
June 20, 181 1
Rev. Aaron C. Collins, Rev. Howell P. Powell, Rev.
Lyman Barrett.
December 15 ,1813
Rev. Oliver Ayer, Rev, Aaron, C. Collins, Rev. E/.ekiel
T. Chapman, Rev. Dennis 0. Griswold, Rev. John Adams.
April 6, 1825
Rev. John Taylor, Rev. C. Thorpe. Rev Abijah
March 13, 1827
Rev. John Taylor, Rev. Ebenezer Raymond, Rev.
Avelyn Sedgwick, Rev. John C. Whittlesey, Rev. James
Cahoon; convened at residence of William Bushnell,
A few of the more prominent supplies.
Rev. Joseph Groverj Rev. Aaron C. Collins, Rev.
( Hiver Ayer, Rev. Charles Moshier, Rev. Julius. Steele, Rev.
Solomom Allen, Rev. John Taylor, Rev. Ebenezer Fitch,
D. D., Rev. Silas C. Brown, Rev. Byron Bosworth, Rev.
E. A. Piatt, Rev. Dr. A. G. Hall, Rev. Henry M. Morey,
Rev. Luther Concklin, Rev. John E. Baker, Rev. Frede-
rick H. Adams, Rev. Louis Bodwell, Rev. Joseph McNulty,
Rev. Charles Kittredge, Rev. Wm. A. Smith, Rev. Walter
S. Drysdale, Rev. Dr. Doughal McColl.
Rev. Nathaniel Steele of East Bloomfield, preached
occasionally in Victor prior to the organization of the
Miss Sarah F. Smiley, Mrs. Elizabeth Comstock, and
Mrs. Mary J. Weaver, addressed a temperance gathering
in the church in 1871, and subsequently Miss Mary S.
These are only some of many whose presence have
added interest to this pulpit.
Most of the above are recorded as administering the
Lord's Supper. The records in this, as in many other
respects are defective in interesting features peculiar to
the life of every church.
2, Note, 1798 for 1788.
6, line 24, lediox lead.
6, " 28, after on insert to.
8, " 20, ( " ) after firing.
20, " ! 16, 1799 for 1779.
33, " 7, derelict.
39' " S, government.
p. 62, y. Trumbull for Trumbcll.
p. 64, line 1, 1885 for 1880.
p. 64, read Young People's Sabbath Evening prayer-
meeting was reestablished,
p, 84, Eliphlia Beach.
p. 103, Harry Pimm.
p. 1 15, line 4, annually.
Other press mistakes are unimportant